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estimated reading time > seven to nine minutes


~{ rose's POV }~

"I'm gonna miss you two so much, you know that, right?" A dreary Bethany said between the rumble of a crowded station, holding Jack and mine's hand.

"We will come over to visit you, don't worry." Jack chuckled, being totally honest with her.

"Oh, come here." She wrapped both of us in a cozy hug, and since that moment, I knew I was going to miss her as well.

"We better get going now." Jack said, carefully pulling back.

"Oh, alright." She played with her fingers. "But be careful, okay? I'll be here if you need anything."

I smiled, "Thank you, Beth."

And with that, we left Beth and all the memories we've made in Wisconsin back. However, we were looking for a new start, something that could be better than being humiliated by stupid actors or accused of something you've never done.

"We could go to London one day, huh?" I suggested as soon as we found our seats in the crowded train.

Jack raised his eyebrows, "Uh, we need to cross the Atlantic." I huffed, knowing that we could do that if we wanted to.

I inhaled deeply, feeling that I had too many goals to achieve and a break would be nice, "Maybe in a few years..." I laid my head on his shoulder, keeping my eyes open.

My eyes wandered to some few people that were still boarding the train, some of them with a newspaper in one and massive bags in the other. A couple seemed to be politely arguing, and I had to hold the laugh back.

"Did you see it?" I whispered into Jack's ear, giggling softly.

"Yep." He chuckled, his eyes traveling to one man that walked towards the empty seat on our bench.

I turned my face to Jack and said in a real low tone that only him would be able to listen, "Shit."

Jack spread his arms around my shoulders, bringing me closer to him when the man sat down at the empty space near me. The man had a newspaper in hands, and seemed to be really focused on reading the news. But every time I looked at his face, the mustache made me want to burst into laughter.

"Jack," I whispered, turning back to him as if it was something serious.

"What?" He leaned towards me.

"This man's mustache is creepy."

Jack glanced at that weird thing on the man's face, and gave me that agreement look. We both burst into laughter, and I could feel that the man raised the eyes from the paper, just to intimidate us.

I gestured to Jack lean towards me, and whispered really low in his ear, "Do you think he heard it?"

"No idea." He snickered, the man turned back to his paper, pretending that we weren't there.

Every bloody time that Jack and I looked at each other, we couldn't help but laugh all over again. People must think that we were out of our mind, but screw them. We were just having fun in a boring hour.

I told Jack what I wanted to do first when we get to California again. And we had an appropriate talk about which job would be better for a beginner like me. I was totally excited to make money and to get to the beach.


"I didn't think I would miss this city so much!" I said as soon as we stepped on the same large avenue that I did three months ago.

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