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Wassup guys! I'm so happy to be updating :)

So, from now on, I apologise if you spot any difference in my writing style. I wrote the next chapters in a rush (literally a month ago) and I didn't have enough time to make them better. Anyway, I really hope you like them, because I spent the last two weeks of my school break working hard on them.



~{ rose's pov }~

I watched the stirring of the candles as I chopped the pasta in my mouth, shivering every time its delightful taste flooded my mouth. At least the food wasn't bad at all, and it could get my thoughts off that conversation with Caledon, earlier on that day.

However, ignoring the silhouette on the opposite side of the table was impossible. I could feel Ruth's critical gaze observing me and judging my behaviour, as if I were her marionette, who she couldn't lose control of.

By the corner of my eye, I could see that she placed the fork on the plate, delicately, and swallowed the food before she began to speak:

"Mr. Hockley told me you disrespected him, contradicting his words and sounding unschooled." To my surprise, she didn't raise the tone. She acted casual and polite, as if a hundred people were watching her. I stopped eating, keeping my countenance neutral as she continued her little speech. "What should I do with you? Can't you see the sacrifice he is making for you?" A scorned look was printed in her eyes, brow creased. "Rose, you cheated on him, and he forgave you for that and God knows what else. It is clear that he adores you."

I didn't bother to give her an answer. Instead, I grabbed the fork and knife, ignoring her as I finished eating the few macaroni left on my plate, trying my best to not laugh at the part of 'his sacrifice'. His sacrifice sounded like a joke to me.

"Rose? Are you not going to apologise for your childish behaviour?" I could hear the blood boiling through her veins as her wrinkled forehead frowned.

Delighted by how I still could make her upset, I apologised politely, my words immediately soothing her down as a lullaby. Of course, my marriage with that bastard was her highest priority at the moment. The debts won't vanish with time, and she didn't want the Dewitt Bukaters to sink like Titanic did. I also got to know that, in a few days, I would have to apologise to Caledon.

That information kept my brain working for some fine hours later that night, and for the first time in four nights, my pillow wasn't all soaked by the water of my tears. I missed Jack Dawson in a way I didn't know it was possible. Sometimes, it felt like some kind of physical pain, as if I was a shell, hollow and empty.

What could I do? The house was situated somewhere far from the town, there was no way someone could escape a house where there were eyes everywhere by walking. Perhaps, if I was allowed to "take a walk" alone and disappear in the town, I wouldn't even have to look again at the bastard's wrinkled face. But to make that plan work, I had to get some money. And I had never stolen anything before.


I woke up when the clarity hit my face, out of a sudden. I spotted the maid opening the curtains, letting the sun gleams illuminate the room.

"Good morning, Miss." The Maid, Alvina, greeted me as she turned around to face me. "I am sorry to have to wake you up, but there is someone that wants to see you downstairs." Hearing that politeness that early in the morning got me slightly annoyed.

I sat on the bed, tucking the wild curls behind my ears as I assimilated what she said.

"Is it Caledon?" The words escaped from my mouth, and I was sure that Alvina noticed how I pronounced his name.

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