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Hello!! It's Friday night!!!
I've noticed some of you haven't been up for the last updates, that gets me kinda unmotivated lol. I'm not sure of what this is, but I hope you like it lol!


~{ narrator's pov }~

In the middle of the night of April 10th, she woke up with a warm wetness spreading through her legs and sheets, along with a sudden twinge that made her hips burn in pain.

Her first thought was that it wasn't time yet. That wasn't supposed to happen that night, but there was nothing no one could do now.

Yet, another contraction came, stronger and longer than before. She whimpered in pain, trying to be louder so someone would hear.

Breathless, she thought of Jack. How deeply it must hurt, not being there to witness your child's birth. It was his child, but no one could know. The forbidden love.

She moved her body up, in an attempt to sit, even though every muscle down her hips burned like hell. She yelled the name of Alvina, the one responsible for Rose that night, and she entered the room faster than the hurricane in Rose's mind.

"Thank God" Rose muttered under her breath, "The baby's coming. Call the doc." She couldn't believe her own words.

She would finally meet her baby.

Alvina quickly made her way downstairs, leaving Rose alone. Even though she was sweating, the room felt cold. All she could think of was Jack. He wouldn't be there to hold her hand, to hold their child for the first time, to watch their eyes open and their lungs breathe for the first time. A tear sprouted on the corner of her eye.

Rose felt a sharp pain spreading from her hips to her legs, making her whimper louder. She had never witnessed a child's birth before. She had only read about it some years ago in an anatomy book, but Ruth never bothered herself to have conversations about "scandalous topics" with her. Rose knew there was a long and painful journey ahead.

"The doctor will arrive within an hour!" Alvina stepped into the room, accompanied by Ruth, who's hair was messy and eyes were tired. "I called the father, too, as Mrs. demanded."

If Rose could, she would have slapped Ruth's face for calling the coward. She grunted, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Are you okay, Miss?" The maid asked, concerned. There was no reply.

Ruth sighed, turning to Alvina, "Go fetch warm water and clean towels, after that, help Rose to change her nightgown." Alvina nodded and left the room.

Rose leaned her head back when the pain went away for some minutes, the baby actively moving on her womb.

"He's not here. There's no use crying now." Ruth scolded, and took some steps forwards, not caring for the pain her daughter was going through. "It's a long—"

"I know it. Just shut the fuck up, okay?" Rose trailed her off, her breath shallow. "Stay silent or leave the room, it's up to you."

Surprisingly, Ruth shut her mouth. Soon, Alvina arrived, helping Rose and soothing her down. Her pain didn't go away.


Ten hours.

Rose was aware of how romanticised labour was, but no one could be prepared for that. The pain was agonising, the hand that held hers was disgusting. Sometimes, she would catch herself thinking that she wouldn't make it, not when those people surrounded her. She thought that those ten hours would make the baby feel more real, but it felt more like a punishment.

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