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Hey lovelies! It's almost midnight, but the update still counts! This one is not my best work, for sure, but I hope you enjoy it! There's much more to come as the story goes on, by the way, so stay patient and tuned 😌


~{ narrator's pov}~

The familiar smell of lavender filled Rose's lungs as she took a deep breath in, her mind slowly waking up and her heavy eyelids fluttering open. Rose had never felt so tired in her life. She enjoyed the comfort of the soft blanket against her cheeks, sinking in the mattress.

Until her mind brought back her last memories, making her eyes widely open as she explored the room. The sight gave her goosebumps.

That familiar scent, the comfy white sheets of a double size bed and the white room, adorned by flowers and wooden furniture...


That was her old bedroom in her old house. She immediately felt the urge to jump off the bed, to try to escape from there as soon as possible, but her head was aching like hell and her body felt like gelly. It was almost like she had drunk all the beers of the pub in a night.

Yet, she managed to sit in the edge of the bed, groaning as she forced her muscles to do so, and her eyes hurt from the few sun gleams that poured through the white muslim curtain on the window. Her heartbeat increased when the idea of escaping by the window popped up in her tired mind.

It couldn't be this easy, she thought. People could come in her room at any moment, she was as weak as a paper sheet and she didn't have a place to go - not in Philadelphia.

Mentally, Rose cursed that damn drug they gave her and she cursed herself for falling into that trap. It was all too well, until that goddamn morning in the bakery.

However, Rose couldn't think too much about it. She couldn't start thinking that her life was falling apart and that it was her fault. She couldn't bear being the reason for having Jack apart from her. It was way too much for a confused and exhausted mind. So her focus was now on that goddamn window and running away from there as soon as she could.

Carefully, Rose got on her heel and shivered when the skin of her feet hit the cold floor. She took a deep breath and walked towards the window, propping her cold hands on the wall so she wouldn't fall. The world seemed a bit blurred, but she cared more about coming back to California now.

Suddenly, everything began to spin and her legs were trembling, which made her stop her walk. She leaned her body towards the cool wall, resting her head on its thick surface and watched the room go dark as her eyelids got heavy again. Rose would have collapsed onto the floor if a maid didn't pop up in the room at that exact moment.

"Oh, God!" The shocked voice of the unknown maid echoed through her mind. Rose kept looking at the ground. "Mrs. Hockley, what are you doing?!"

As soon as she heard that, her heart began to beat faster and her breathing got erratic. She hated how it sounded, and she thought she would never have to listen to that in her life again. That name was disgusting, even more when she was known for that way as well. What did she do with her life?

With the help of the blonde maid, she was able to sit on the edge of the bed before she could smash on the ground. Rose hated being so vulnerable that she depended on someone to come back to the bed. The world was still spinning, slowly, and a bit blurred, too, but its colours were coming back to normal. And her head was aching, as slow as her. The memories, the flashbacks and the thoughts were all messed up, and there was no strength to put them in order, she was too tired for that.

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