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estimated reading time > five to seven minutes

Yooo I'm back!! I've been working hard on the plot of this story, and I really hope that you enjoy it 'till the end!
Anyway, scroll down to read the next chapter <3


~{ rose's pov}~

"What?!" I furrowed my brow, my hands on my hips, "But, he told me, the director I believe, told me that I got a part in the play! I even got a paper with my lines, for God's sake!"

Both men glanced at me, a scornful look in their eyes that caused me to feel really uncomfortable with the whole situation. I couldn't believe it. It just couldn't be actually happening.

I was going to work. To act. They told me so!

"I'm sorry, Miss, but we can't find your name in the list."

I snorted, "It must've been a mistake here. Am I a joke to you?!" I shouted, still refusing to believe that all my work, all the hours I spent trying to find the perfect moves and a good intonation, wasn't worth it. Because of a stupid joke?!

"You must go now, Miss. We can't do anything and neither do you." They didn't even seem to understand how upset I was. How that little part was way more than only a job, it was something that I've been craving for years, and I really thought I would finally be able to perform it.

I looked deep in their eyes, "I hope this presentation will be a disaster, just like the Titanic was." And walked off, but I stumbled into someone else on the way.

"Watch yourself, dumbass!" Chuckled the man. The man that I hated more than anyone in the world except the other wealthy bastard.

"You ashole." I whispered, allowing all the rage that burned inside me to come out.

"Aw, look who's upset! The wealthy one who thinks that could get a job passing by a poor girl!" He said to both of the men, also laughing at my face.

Oh, if only I could slap their shapeless faces.

I took a deep breath, "Can you please get out of my way?"

"Um... Okay. But lemme advise you: Never be that silly again, girl. You must have known we were playing a prank on you." He raised his eyebrows, finally getting out of my way.

"Oh, fuck off." I mumbled, finally walking off.

How am I supposed to tell Jack and Bethany what just happened? They even paid to watch the presentation! I was humiliated by those people because of a silly prank?

I took a deep breath, in an attempt to keep calm. But it seemed that I was only going downhill. Was I that fool?

The theater wasn't that crowded when I reached it. A few fancy families here and there, I could feel the death struggle the second my eyes laid on the dresses the women were squeezed. It was such a privilege to not have to wear those stupid corsets anymore.

It didn't take long for me to spot Jack and Bethany, who were whispering things to each other that would make me curious if it wasn't for the fact that I just found out that I was an idiot to believe that I would get a part in the play.

I felt a shudder run down my spine when Jack spotted me, followed by Beth. How the fuck were I going to explain them this?

"Rose?" Jack furrowed his eyebrows, confused.

The words suddenly got stuck in my throat as a wave of embarrassment flushed over my body. I felt that some eyes were watching me since I was the only one standing on my feet.

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