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Hey. Umm... I think I gotta vent about something that has been bothering me for a while.
Honestly, I don't know why I'm still updating this story. I don't see any potential in it, I barely have time to expand my vocabulary or even practice my english reading. I feel that this whole story sucks, it's based on a childish idea and the only reason I keep putting some generous effort on it it's because of a few special and kind people who keep reading and motivating me to not give up. I'm not in my best era, I feel beyond than overwhelmed with school and my friends are falling apart. That's why I consider you, who has already read this so far, such a special person to me. You may not even know me, but you play a big part on my daily motivation to keep this thing up, so thank you, from de depths of my heart. Thank you.


~{ rose's pov }~

The gown had the most gracious colours, matching my eyes. A grey silky chiffon adorned my body as the sleeves, made of white lace, reached my forearm. This time, my curls were falling elegantly on my shoulders. The reflection in the mirror was so distinct from the Rose I knew, it was almost unbelievable we were the same person - because that was not me. It gave me goosebumps. That wasn't my place.

All the effort goes for the dinner Cal insisted on hosting for me. To announce to "our" friends it wasn't just rumours, I really rose from ashes. All of them belong to high society, wearing fancy tuxedos and expensive jewellery. Soon, the hall would be full of those hollow souls, and I had to do my best to pretend I was glad for having them there, and most of all, for being back.

As we agreed, Molly would be here, helping me with Cal's drink, so he would magically have the most peaceful sleep of his life. I was hoping things would happen as we planned, hoping to get a response from Jack soon, hoping to feel free again.

"You ready, Rose? It's almost time." I heard Ruth announcing from the other side of the room. By the reflection on the mirror, I saw the rough expression on her eyes, the one that would get me scared some time ago.

I nodded, turning to her and pretending I cared about my appearance. She was also wearing an ostentatious yellow dress, with some jewellery adorning her neck and wrist. Narrowing my eyes, I thought I had seen her lips slightly bending up when her eyes travelled through my silhouette.

"C'mon, we don't want to leave the guests waiting."

"Isn't it amazing? My fiancée rose from the ashes!" Cal exclaimed after telling the guests the convincent story he created to explain my absence after the shipwreck, people bursting into laughter.

I smiled numbly at him, in an attempt to show I was enjoying the time we were having.

"How did you survive the Titanic, Mrs. Hockley?" A feminine voice from the other side of the table echoed. What was I supposed to say? Should I tell her I was not a Hockley? Should I tell them that the man on my side tried to murder me while the ship was sinking?

Nah, too much for those heartless people bear with.

"She was on the last life-boat, right, honey?" Cal intervened before I could even open my mouth. I shook my head, agreeing politely with his lies as a trained dog.

"When is your marriage happening?" A bearded man asked, turning to Caledon this time. I watched the interview and took a sip of my water.

He sighed, as if that was some meaningful issue to be solved carefully, "We haven't discussed the marriage yet, but I was thinking of January 17th, to honour my granddad's birthday. Do you like it, sweetie?"

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