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Hello there!!! Another update! I had to cut this chapter, since it was almost 2000 words long. I hope you enjoy it!

Also, I'm adding some song suggestions in some parts of the next chapters - including this one. I hope you enjoy it!


Suggested song (spotify):
Sea, swallow me by Cocteau Twins, Harold Budd

Suggested song (spotify): Sea, swallow me by Cocteau Twins, Harold Budd

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~{ rose's pov }~

The sun gleams began to pour from in between the buildings, the brightness of its rays flooding the streets with a warm, orangish breeze that smelled something similar to a blend of dew and soaked dirt from the streets. We arrived at the train station right on time, as early as the morning birdies, after a long and exhaustive ride on a borrowed horse and a squealing baby pleading for the end of the little chaos.

Eventually, while walking to the entrance of the station, my gaze chased one of the ouzel, flapping its wings and sliding through the bluish sky, broached with the pinky clouds which imbibed the sunlight. Jack must have noticed when I zoned out, because he leaned over to whisper something I didn't know I had been longing to hear, "Tomorrow, you will be as free as one of these birds."

I grinned genuinely, holding a peaceful Josephine closer to my chest, "It's going to work."

"It already did." He announced, convincingly raising his eyebrows as he gave our tickets to the crewmember, spreading an arm around my shoulders as we stepped into the locomotive.

The train was going to lead us back to New York, where we would board on the R.M.S. Olympic. Everything felt as fragile as a dream, and you get afraid to move and wake up from it.

Insane, how your whole world can change from one tiny choice you made, in one dreadful, crispy night, bringing a stranger who will stick in your heart forever.

Of course, I had my strands up in a loose bun, and a dark hood covering most of my head. The horrified looks I got for wearing trousers were something that amused me. My heart still throbbed in my throat when I flop down on the bench, taking a deep, wooden breath in.

"Jack," I began, after he placed our small package under the seat. "I gotta tell you something." My voice came out almost inaudible, careful to not wake up Josie.

"What is it?" He turned his head towards me, a golden strand falling on his forehead.

I inhaled sharply, ready to go straight to the point, even though I couldn't predict his reaction. I avoided the blue globes. "You see, I don't think it would be the right thing to do, living from you know who's fortune. I left the necklace behind."

Jack nodded, lips pressed in a tenuous line. "Alright."

"What? Ain't you going to rea-" I was immediately trailed off.

"Rosebud," He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, bringing our faces closer as he gingerly spoke, "we have enough money to buy us food and a tiny place. We don't need anything else by now, don't we?"

I rested my eyelids for a bit, as my heart was allowed to slow down, relishing the protective warmth of his arm upon my body. He always knew the right words to say at the right moment.

The train began to gain some speed, the greenish landscape in the window blurring as it fastened. After the pitched train whistle ceased, I stated:

"You are insane for never letting go, Jack Dawson."

Delicately, I broke the gap between us, pecking his lips, my touch lingering more than it should, though I knew I would never get enough of the taste of his mouth in mine.

"And you," He began, pulling away with a lopsided grin on his face, a warm blue in his eyes, lighter with the sun gleams that poured through the window. "You are even more insane for loving me, Rose Dawson."

As if to make us aware of her presence, our daughter cooed in my arms, stirring her hands in the air. I giggled, dropping my gaze to her. "Seems that someone here wants to join the conversation."

"Let's give mummy some rest, babygirl." Carefully, he wrapped his arms around Josephine's little body, planting a kiss on the top of her hair.

"You should rest, too." I advised him, leaning my head onto his shoulder. "There's another long journey ahead."

"Don't worry." Jack rested his head above mine, entangling our fingers with his free hand. I knew he wouldn't sleep when he could spend hours marvelling at our wonder in his arms.

Soon, I forgot we were going to board a ship within 10 hours.

I watched our child peacefully rest in his embrace, her chest raising and falling with every breath, and when our hearts beat harmonically, I allowed myself to feel safe enough to close my eyes.


The astonishing immensity.

The magnificent salty breeze, blended with wood and iron filled the air. The sound of the choppy water crashing on the ship's hull. So familiar, so fatal.

My hands got slippery. My heart ached, throbbing. The memories became a real glint in my mind, which rushed from thought to thought as my eyes watered, my foot willing to walk away.

This ship was exactly like the one that changed my life.

"Jack..." I whispered in between the humble, massive crowd that surrounded us, still staring at the endless black structure.

"I know."

I sought his hand, also sweaty, and grasped on it tightly. Then, I raised my stare to him, the wind blowing my hood and cutting through my face.

"I don't... Do we really have to?" I questioned, harrow brooming in my voice tone. I could read the feelings in his face as an open book. We didn't want to live the same nightmare again.

"We have to." Jack finally reasoned, glancing down into my eyes. I catched a fleeting glimpse of anguish blended with disarray and hesitation in his stare. "This ship is our only way out, isn't it? Not only from the penguin, but to be able to overcome our fears."

People bumped into us, rushing with their luggage and their life in their hands. Our feet kept glued in the same place, our hands still clasped and our eyes seeking for comfort in each other's gaze. Perhaps, there were only the two of us in the Earth at that brief instant. The memories, the pain, harrow and sorrow we shared may have flashed as we kept staring at them, silently mourning the decision we were obligated to make. I swear for my dear life, the cerulean glimmer in his eyes could tell more about himself, about us, than a thousand words would.

Mustering some courage, I intervened, trembling: "If anything happens, we will stay together. Promise me."

"I promise you, Rose. If you jump, I jump."

I giggled nervously at the quote he never forgot.

Jack tightened his grasp on my hand, and, with the heart throbbing in my soul, we walked towards the entrance. 



Thank you so much for reading so far! If you're enjoying your time here, don't forget to vote and comment. This motivates me a lot to finish the story, lol!

Love, liaxame.

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