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Sensitive content ahead.

estimated reading time > seven to nine minutes

I wrote this a long, long time ago. more than three months, I believe. I'm sorry in advance for some weird lines you may find.


~{ rose's POV }~

In two more days, we would be going to somewhere that not even Jack and I knew. It was so insane but so exciting!

I had just got home from the grocery store. Beth insisted on getting some food for us when we went to "travel", in her words.

"Beth, I'm back!" I yelled from the front door, taking my shoes off and budging them to the corner, "Bethany?" I shouted one more time, leading the bags to the kitchen.

"Woah!" Jack squeals the moment I bumped into him in the kitchen.

I snickered, placing the bags on the table, "Sorry, I didn't see you in there." No answer. "Um... Where's Bethany?" I asked, not taking my eyes away from what my hands were packing up.

Unexpectedly, I felt his warm hands lingering on my waist as his breath brushed against the back of my neck.

"At her sister," He whispered, "she's sick and it seems like she got worse today." I felt really bad for them when Jack said that.

I turned back to be able to look at him, the groceries didn't matter that much, "How old is she? Her sister."

Somehow, I couldn't keep my eyes focused on his, "67"

"Oh, poor thing!" I exclaimed before turning my gaze back to his bluish eyes.

Jack faltering leaned over my body, his head a few inches apart from mine. That gaze, that damn way that he looked at me could make me lose track of time or of what is right and what is wrong. I could see that something was burning inside him.

"We're alone now..." He took a curl off my face with a gentle move, "And I was wondering if..." My heart began to pound faster, "If we should carry on on what we didn't finish a few weeks ago."

I smirked, "I think I'd enjoy it, Mr. Dawson." My tone was low. His hands made its way to the deep of my waist and almost in the same second, he crashed our lips passionately, holding me still.

My hands traveled to his chest, and then to the back of his neck. The way I could make his skin shiver under my touch turned me on.

My breath got heavier when his mouth slided to my neck, sucking and licking it from time to time. I couldn't hold back a moan, feeling the pleasure wash my body as his warm tongue traveled to my collarbone.

Then, his strong hands lifted me up to the sink. He pulled out, panting as a blend of desire and lust burned in his piercing blue eyes.

"Bed?" Is all that he managed to say. I tenderly take a few strands of hair off his forehead.

I gave him a dirty look, "Here."

Jack didn't seem surprised at all. "What if Beth-" I trailed him off with an open mouth kiss, my two hands cupping his face.

"To hell with her." The dirty words escaped my mouth between kisses. I felt his lips curving up as his warm, long fingers ran through my thighs.

I pulled him closer, pulling him between my legs as I glided my hand through his sweaty hair. It was indeed getting hotter here.

When his hands reached my breasts, I realized that I couldn't wait any longer. I needed him badly.

Tracing my fingers through his collarbone to his chest, I began undoing the buttons of his shirt. Jack pulled away to help me do my task quickly. The thingy flew to the ground, as well as his trousers.

Suddenly, I couldn't stop staring at the way the muscles on his sweaty chest twitched as he moved his arms back to my waist again.

I didn't want to let go of his touch, but it was necessary to take my complicated clothes off.

Soon, we were both half naked in the kitchen.

"Isn't this wrong? Doing it in the kitchen?" I realized, alternating my kisses between his neck and his collarbone, causing him to groan hard in my ear.

"Fuck the right and the wrong. I want you." The butterflies appeared on my stomach again as my body burned in desire when I heard the naughty words coming out his mouth, almost in a moan. "I want to take you to the stars."


"Oh my God." I tried to catch my breath, resting my cheek on his hair.

Jack traced some kisses as his mouth made its way to mine, before raising his look to my eyes.

He took a soaked curl off my face and put it behind my ear. He slid out me, reaching for my clothes in a quick move.

"I still can't believe what we've just done!" I admitted still trying to catch my breath, realizing how crazy we were as I took my hand to my forehead, in shock.

"We should get dressed before something happens." Jack laughed, but I could feel the nervousness in his voice just at the thought of Beth.

I struggled with the buttons of my dress as Jack was already on his clothes.

"May I help you, mi-" Before he could finish the sentence, we heard a noise coming from the frontal door.

"Jesus Christ!" Jack quickly grabbed my hand and we ran as silent as possible to the small garden. It was already dark and pretty cold outside.

We both burst into laughter.

"I'd like to see her reaction." I clapped my hands together.

"Oh, you wouldn't. We would be sleeping under a bridge if she did so."

"I like this feeling, this adrenaline, y'know?" Besides that wasn't a civilized conversation, I was being honest.

"It's addicting, isn't it?" He took a step towards me, getting closer, smiling.

"Hey, kiddos!" Beth interrupted us, at the exact time I was planning to kiss my man. She got closer to us.

I suddenly felt as nervous as ever, and I saw that Jack reacted the same way.

"You two look so pale. Did you eat something?" She seemed to be so concerned about us. But there was a hint of sorrow in her eyes, and I'm almost sure it's because of her sister.

We both exchanged looks, giggling to each other before turning back to the old woman, telling her a good excuse.

Jack was right, the adrenaline could be very addicting. But the feeling of never getting enough of him was more addicting than anything.


Yes, i removed the smut :)

I hope you enjoyed your time reading this! Please, leave your opinions on the comments!


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