~{ NINE }~

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Thank you for coming here and keep reading the story so far! Hope you like it, tho.
I dedicated almost all of my free time to think/plan/write this story, so you, dear reader, is extremely special to me and I love you from the bottle of my heart💖.

>>estimated reading time > six to eight minutes

~{ rose's pov }~

"Can I move now?" I asked, already getting annoyed.

"Stay still, Rose." He giggled as he glided his inner through the paper.

I always felt a spark when Jack stared that way at me, as if I was the most precious and fragile thing in the world.

I tried to not move on that bench, but the more I thought that I couldn't move, the more I wanted to. It was hilarious.

Jack pressed his lips together, trying to not laugh as he placed his eyes on the drawing. I wonder what the heck it's funny in here.

"What are you laughing at, Mr. Monet?"

"You trying to keep focused on staying still, it's kinda funny." He looked up once again, his hair sloppy by the light breeze from the sea. "Just relax, okay? You did that once, and I can tell that it was trickier than now." He winked.

I snorted. "Alright then." I said, in an attempt to sound convinced. "Can I ask you something, Jack?"

"Sure" He didn't take his eyes off the paper when he answered.

I took a deep breath, "When did you know that you wanted to be an artist?" 

Now, that made him stop what he was doing.

Jack slipped his five fingers through his hair, and I watched his mind processing my question. 

"Well, I think I always had a connection with art." He told, genuinely. "Art always made me feel free to express what I feel, without the need of words, and I think that is truly amazing." His eyes brightened as he spoke about what he loved. I admired the way that he showed such passion about it, wishing that, someday, I could find something that made me fall in love the same way he did. "I think there wasn't a moment that I realized that I wanted to be an artist. I think it just... happens. You just know -you feel- that is the right thing to do."

My lips slightly curved up. "This is beautiful, Jack. It really is." 

Jack smiled back, and reading my thoughts, he comforted me, "I'm sure you'll find what you want someday." I sighed. I had so much in mind. "But keep still, Rose." He chuckled.

Before I could say something, a little boy with a curious look popped up beside Jack.

Jack stopped what he was doing and glanced at him.

"Are you an artist?" The poor boy with worn clothes and dark skin asked, naively tilting his head to the side. Jack grinned as he looked at me, probably wanting to see my reaction.

"He draws pretty well!" I replied with enthusiasm. The boy seemed to be surprised.

"Look here." Jack pointed to the paper. "I'm drawing that beautiful miss right now. It's almost finished." I slightly blushed at Jack's words, and thankfully both of them didn't notice that.

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