~{ EIGHT }~

593 34 54

>>estimated reading time > five to seven minutes

~{ rose's pov }~

As Jack said, he showed me the whole town, and I was totally in love with it. We also bought some very cheap clothes and a bag that we needed more than anything - We would need money soon.

I knew that I should look for a job soon, but I didn't want to worry that soon. I wanted to enjoy every single moment of my life. Everything was so different, so exciting that could be addicting. This new feeling is addicting. 

But that night, Jack wanted to take me to a bar. And I swear that I loved the idea of drinking cheap beer again, just like we did in the Titanic.

"You'll love it." Jack excitedly said, bringing me back to reality.

"I'm sure I will." I assured him, smiling. 

After walking a bit more through those beautiful and large avenues, all illuminated by the well desingned light poles, we arrived at the bar.

It was very sophisticated, actually. There was a counter made of wood, as well as shelves that contained all kinds of drinks. The buzz of the conversation hovered in the air as well as the wine smell. It created a good atmosphere.

"Woah. Very crowded on a Monday night." I said, still studying the details of that place. The loud music echoed through the whole room, and people were dancing, the beer on their cups pouring on the fabric of their clothes.

I was craving to dance with Jack again. 

"People drink. It doesn't matter when." His voice had a tone of wisdom. I laughed at his 'full of himself' face.

"Okay then, smartass." I took my seat as he did the same. "If you're that smart, tell me what's the strongest drink on here."

He raised his eyebrows to my demand, "Wha- What?" 

"That's right. Answer the question!" I ordered playfully, crossing my arms. 

He nodded, "Someone once told me that there's a vodka called 'Pincer', and it has a high alcohol content."

Without thinking two times, I called the bartender. "Do you have that drink called 'Pincer'?" I held my chin on my hands, upholded on the counter. 

He nodded his head, and Jack immediately turned his gaze to me.

"Rose, are you sure? Two glasses can be enough to make you drunk." I turned back to the man, avoiding Jack's comment. 

"Okay, I want one, please." Jack's eyes widened, but the Irish man didn't seem shocked, he just wrote it down on his note book and turned to Jack, who ordered a dry whiskey. 

"I have to say, I didn't expect that." He chuckled, running his fingers through his hair.

"Neither did I. I just have this feeling that I should do everything that would be forbidden for an upper class girl." I laughed, telling him honestly my thoughts.

Then, the man came back with our drinks. I stared at that yellowish liquid, with some sparkling bubbles drifting on its surface.

"Don't drink it too fast. It'll probably burn your throat like hell." He moved in his seat to stay in front of me, one elbow on the counter, helding his glass.

I raised it to my lips and took a very small sip of that thingy. That could really burn all my mouth and my stomach, it was like I had literally swallowed a flame.

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