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Hello, there! Right now is January first, 12:28am and I wanted to start the year with an update!
Also, I'm sorry for not having these thematic new year's oneshots/chapters. But I didn't want to leave you without and update, so I made you a surprise and updated this story. I hope you enjoy it, anyway. :))


~{ rose's pov }~

A cold spark ran through my spine. I nervously tugged the fabric of my gown with my sweaty fingers and I could feel my stomach twirling around.

How the heck did Claire know Jack?

"Ah, honey... Didn't he tell you?" She asked, in a casual way that could get me even more anxious. I shook my head. "Do you remember when I went to the charm classes in Paris?" She began, sounding as casual as ever. I nodded. "Well, I met him. The artist." She said, exhaling. I hated the way she mocked him, but I didn't let it show. "And we... Well, we had an affair back then. But if I were you, girl... I would keep my distance from him."

I chuckled at her joke, "Why is it?"

"He will dump you when he wants to." She shrugged, as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "I can't believe it. Did you notice it already?"

I laughed hard. "I'm sorry to ruin the fun, but there's nothing wrong with us."

Claire didn't seem to like the way I reacted to her 'story', so she kept going, "Ah, you're blind. You're in love, my darling. But now... now i see that you're a humble girl and don't belong to the high society anymore, and he will dump your ass when he wants to. And you know, he dumped me when I got pregnant. He has never loved you, but your money. Understand?"

I took a deep breath and shut my eyes for a second, in an attempt to figure out what was her point. Claire should know that I wouldn't believe a single word that came from her mouth.

"Do you know about Hazel, don't you?" She questioned carefully, as if she was afraid of the way I would react.

I nodded, recomposing myself, "Yeah, your daughter."

The disappointment in her face worried me like hell. I shifted on the chair, sweating cold again.

She rubbed her temples, "I'm sorry to be the one who will tell you this but... She's Jack's, Rose. He has a daughter."

It felt like someone punched my stomach so hard that I couldn't breathe.

That 's not true.

It can't be true.

He trusts me. He would have told me. The Jack I know, my Jack would have told me. There's no secrets between us.

I exhaled the air I involuntarily was holding. "No, Claire. This must be a mistake." Why would I believe her words? "I don't care about the money. I'm leaving now. Excuse me." She didn't look surprised when I stood up and quickly walked away from that bakery, not looking back.

I didn't know which emotions I was feeling while I walked towards the pier. Why the heck did Claire say those things to me? And offered money, for God's sake! Why?

There was a voice in the back of my mind, whispering that Jack could have had an affair with Claire, and they could have a daughter. I remembered how blue Hazel's eyes and how blonde her strands were...

No. It couldn't be.

Those thoughts were giving me goosebumps. I wasn't living a lie. Our feelings are not lies.

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