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Hello, moots! Well, one more update! I believe that some of you may be confused with all those things that are happening at the same time, but hopefully, this chapter will clarify what is currently going on in the story. Enjoy the twenty seventh chapter of Unsinkable Love!

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Philadelphia, September 27th, 1912.

Dear Jack,

I don't know how this letter will find you, but I am hoping this is my chance to clarify what happened in the last week.

The day I did not come back, it was not because I decided to leave you behind out of a sudden. The reason was because they found out the truth about me. What I most feared, is now happening. I am stuck between the walls in Philadelphia again, and there's nothing I can do. I will try to explain to you how everything happened.

It all started when Claire saw me, the day after the shipwreck. After a couple of years, she still recognized me, and at the moment she heard the news about my death, she ran over Mother and the bastard to tell the truth. The man sent two other guys to seek after us, through the streets of Chippewa Falls — The man remembered about it, he told me he predicted it without too much effort. That scares me, in a way. — and since then, they had chased us – Do you remember that, sometimes, I felt that someone was watching us? I believe that explains everything. As the two men were not sure about "the lost rose", they decided to search for the necklace, that is when you connect the robbery with the whole sickening situation.

Later on, exactly six days ago, it was not a coincidence when Claire met me at that bakery. The bastard sent her with the purpose to make us fall apart when she told me all those lies, so it would be easier to arrest me at this place again. I was so confused that I ended up believing her. Unfortunately, it all happened as he had planned, and soon, there I was, strolling around alone by the desert and calm streets of California. I still have the clear memory of when LoveJoy pressed a gun on my back, making me have no choice but hope in the car that I didn't know that was about to take me to Philadelphia. Nothing that Claire said was true, and now I definitely know that. If I did not doubt your words, perhaps, the whole situation would not sound so deplorable as it is. This will be something I will regret for the rest of my life.

Honestly, I don't even know if I deserve to be forgiven, after not trusting you and doubting your love, but if you allow me, I would like to apologise. I am so, so sorry, from the bottle of my heart. I'm sorry for not coming back, for making you concerned and confused. You have all the reason for being upset at me, and I will understand you for feeling that way about me.

I miss everything about you, every second of my days. You are always on my mind, and I just can't help it and wish you were here. Are we able to fix the broken pieces of our shattered dreams, together?

When this letter reaches you, please, send something back in response, in the same address. I will feel more relieved when you get to know what is going on. I cannot stand the thought of losing you. You are a part of me, Jack. I do not want to waste my time with these people anymore, you know that better than anyone. I am willing to see you again, more than you can imagine.

I truly hope we can love each other the same way we did, because I will never let go of you.

Your French girl.

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