~{ SEVEN }~

551 35 38

>>estimated reading time > eight to ten minutes.


~{ rose's pov }~

"Hey, kids! Get your ass off here!" I opened my eyes in a bolt as I felt a nudge on my arm. I hid my eyes from the clarity with my hand. "C'mon! I'm waiting."

Jack stood up. "Chill down, Sir." He said, in a defensive tone to the old red bearded men.

I put myself on my foot as well, handing Jack's coat to him. "What time is it?" I asked Jack, but the answer was from the irish man.

"Almost eight o'clock." He checked his pocket watch. I lingered to process the information.

"Excuse me sir, but we gotta go."

Oh, the train is going to set off soon!

Jack catched my hand in a quick move and we began to run through the crowd, holding the tickets tight. Our steps made a loud sound on the marble floor, and some people around us kept staring with furious looks.

I was panting when we reached the train. There were a lot of people in there, and it was impossible to not bump into them.

"A good way to start the day, huh?" I joked as we waited for the passengers to get off the train. He laughed as he tightened his grip on my hand.

"It couldn't be better." I smiled. He kissed the top of my head in a quick move before giving the tickets to the young boy in the entrance of the locomotive.

We hopped in and I immediately spotted a man reading the news, the headline was: "Titanic Sinks'' and a huge picture of the ship below it. That sent shivers all down my spine.

As we found our seats, I collapsed on that, letting out a gasp. It would be a very long trip.

"Is everything okay?" Jack asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah. I'm a bit tired, y'know?" I said, honestly.

"Well, I see..." He spread his arms around my body. "I promise that I will wake you up when we arrive in California."

I chuckled. "Okay, but I don't plan on sleeping for three days." I leaned my head over his chest, making myself comfortable in his arms. He laughed.

I took a deep breath, realising that this was really happening. That there was a new beginning right ahead. And that I would finally get to where I belong.

"I'm so happy, Jack." I mumbled.

Jack stroked my hair gently. "I'm gonna make you the happiest girl in the world, you'll see."

Somehow, those words made my eyes watered and my heart warmer. I grabbed his hand and held it tight, allowing myself to fall in a deep sleep again.


"Are we already here?" I asked in a sleepy tone, raising my head off Jack's shoulder and looking straight to the window.

"I think so."

It was a very long trip. Three days sleeping and eating in four different trains. All of them were extremely precarious, but I somehow felt much more comfortable in those than the luxurious ones, where everyone is watching every move you make.

I could tell that now, after those three days of talking, I knew Jack as the palm of my hand. He told me about his parents, the embrassements on school, his pets and even about what places he'd like to visit one day. Insane how our lives were so different.

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