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Hello! I am so excited for you to read this chapter! I enjoyed writing it so much, and I bet y'all have been waiting for this moment to finally come. It's kinda long, but I assure you that it's totally worth it. Please, dive into the chapter thrity one of Unsinkable Love!


~{ rose's pov }~

I had been counting the seconds for this day. The day we would meet each other after two months and twenty six days. My mind was in a total fuss as I made my way to the "worst bakery in town", as Jack described in his letter.

For my sake, Mother didn't mind my usual walks in the mornings, so today was no big deal for her. Little did she know I was secretly going to see my lover.

In a cerulean sky, the sunlight sprouted in between the high buildings, its gleams reaching my face through the thin morning smog. It was a typical winter morning, but I was sure I would remember this day forever. My heartbeat increased when I realised how close I already was from that bakery. I took a deep breath, in an attempt to make the nervousness go away, and failed miserably. How could I even consider the idea of staying calm when I was about to secretly meet Jack?

There it was. The street where the bakery was situated. I slipped my hands on the pocket of my wool coat, the crisp air could get my fingertips cold, and I didn't have good memories of coldness. 

Until my eyes laid on a slouched silhouette on a bench in the sidewalk, near the bakery, staring at the opposite side of the street. The silhouette I could recognize even after a hundred years.

I held my breath, not believing my eyes. I was paralysed, my feet glued on the sidewalk, not taking my stare away from the blonde boy who sat on a wooden bench, seeming to be absorbed in his own thoughts.

He was right there, only a few steps apart from me. Jack made it. He left everything behind to cross the country for me.

I couldn't wait any longer, I had been willing for this moment to come. I began to walk towards the bench, my heartbeat increasing with every step I took.

When I was only three steps behind him, my hands began to tremble and adrenaline seeped into my bloodstream as a mix of emotions washed over my body and soul.

"Jack?" I called him, my voice sounding weak when I pronounced his name out loud for the first time in forever.

The whole world seemed to have stopped when Jack turned his head and spotted me, a kind smile playing on his lips as his eyes laid on me.

I watched him standing up on his heel and making his way towards me, hot tears sprouting on the corner of my eyes. Jack clad a worn white shirt, the first button slouchedly untied, and dark brown trousers. He hadn't changed a bit physically, and that made me love him even more.

When he was close enough to me, our eyes met. Oh, God! How I missed those ocean eyes that held such a warm and fond expression. With trembling lips due to the burst of emotion I felt, I grinned, raising my hand to touch his face, assuring myself that I wasn't dreaming.

My fingertips touched his cheek, his smile growing as a tear ran down my face. For the first time in what felt forever, these were tears of pure happiness. Gently, Jack reached for my hand on his cheek, making my whole body shiver when he let it to his mouth, planting a sweet kiss on my knuckles, his lips lingering a little more.

"You're here." I managed to whisper, in awe, as I memorised all his features, afraid of not seeing him for a long time. He raised his gaze to my eyes, squeezing my hand as my smile got wider.

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