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Today's April 14, the last day titanic and most of her passengers saw daylight. I'm updating one day before I should, and now you know the reason. Please, enjoy the next chapter of Unsinkable Love!

~{ jack's pov }~

"That's it." Rose stated, her voice crackling as she spoke. "I'm pregnant."

The whole world seemed to have stopped. We were going to have a child. Our child.

"How... How long?" I managed to ask between the whirlwind of emotions that overflowed my mind, holding her tight in my embrace.

"About four months now." She shrugged, holding her tears back.

Water was falling from the corner of my eyes when I raised her from the ground, whirling her in the air and placing kisses on her cheek.

"I can't believe it!" I exclaimed with a wide smile printed on my lips, placing her back to the floor. "That's the best thing that could've happened!"

Rose sighed, looking straight into my eyes. I knew that look. She was afraid.

"Aren't you upset with me?"

I frowned, tucking a curl behind her ear, "Why would I be?"

Gently, she leaned in my touch, sounding worried as she spoke, "I hope you're aware that our lives won't be the same ever again."

"That's not a problem to me." I assured her, being totally honest. "Are you okay with it?"

"Yeah." She sighed, raising her stare, as if she could find the answers for her questions in the sky. "But, for heaven's sake, how are we going to take care of a baby?"

Indeed, that was something we would have to be concerned about. We could barely get enough money to pay for a shelter. Raising a child in such conditions sounded impossible.

"We'll figure out." I concluded, more to myself than to her. "We'll find a way to get you out from that house, and from that people. Everything will be fine from now on." I made sure to stare into her teary eyes, and soothe her. "I love you, Rose." Leaning over, I planted a kiss on her forehead, my hand slipping to her tiny baby bump. I wasn't able to distinguish what emotion I felt when I touched her belly; my heart skipped a beat at the thought of us as a family. I felt wholesome. "And I love our little one, too."

A relieved smile flickered on her lips, and I saw the small hint of bliss through her face.

It was insane to think that we were going to be parents. We were going to have a child of our own. How could anyone get upset about such a special thing?

"I love you." She jumped into my arms, holding me tight. I rested my chin on the top of her head, gently caressing her hair.

"You're not alone, darling." I whispered, soothing her, meaning every word said.

We would find happiness together.


~{ rose's pov }~

On the way back to the house, I saw the surroundings from a different way. People in the streets seemed to be happier. The colours seemed to be brighter. I haven't been paying attention to those details since the day they arrested me back.

Not everything was lost, after all. I wasn't all by myself on this. And we would make it worth it, together.

Keeping my expression neutral and indifferent was an arduous task to me. Ruth and none of the employees could notice a small stirring on my behaviour.

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