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This is 2.7K words long 👀
Aaannnddd yess! I updated! I got to finish this chapter that I've been working hard because the ideas wouldn't come.
Anyway, hope you enjoy it! 💖

~{ jack's pov }~

Memories flushed my mind when I stepped on that bar for the first time in years. I shivered, regretting badly to come to such a meaningful place like that. That was the place my father and I used to come to on the weekends. 

But I knew how Rose loved dancing and drinking cheap beer with me. Her luminous smile that swagged in her face every time she danced could lit my soul even in moments like this.

The alcohol scent pervaded in my lungs, the stuffy blended voices echoed in my ear as Rose led me to a poky table in the corner, as if she was already used to this kind of thing.

"Pretty long since our last time in a bar, ain't it?" Rose twinged, making herself comfortable in the wooden chair.

"Yeah." I replied unconsciously, my mind miles away.

The yellowish, dim light outlined a silhouette that I knew. From a very, very long time ago.

I landed my eyes on the back of that person. The flashbacks began to twirl around my mind, and I didn't notice that Rose was talking to me until she told me so.

"Jack?" She swayed her face in front of my eyes. I shook my head, leaving the memories in the past and focusing on the girl right before my eyes.

Rose turned her look to where my eyes were once landed. "Did you hear what I said?" Her cheeks flushed by the warm air from the human heat when she turned to me again.

"I- I'm sorry, I got distracted." I felt bad about almost ignoring her. Still, my eyes kept swinging between Rose and the man.

"I was talking about the play..." She began again, but I couldn't pay attention to a single word that came out of her mouth. If that man is the one I was thinking...

"Jack, what's going on?" Her concerned look locked into mine as she leaned her chest against the table.

Insane how a person that barely knows you for more than two months can know when there's something going on.

"Oh, well... Just memories, y'know? They still have some kind of weight on my mind." I didn't want to make her even more concerned with my problems. Rose already had too much to worry.

Before she could say anything, the man turned his head and stared in our direction.


"Rose... We need to go now." I quickly got up, taking my coat off the chair. She was really confused, still, she knew that I would give her an explanation, so she just did what I said.

I took her hand in mine, she squeezed it tightly when we began to walk with big steps through the crowd, bumping into people way too often, but I didn't bother to even apologize. They were all drunk, anyway.

I felt relief wash over my body when we stepped out of that place, the cold night air filling my lungs.

Until I feel a grip on my shoulder.

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