~{ THREE }~

753 48 26

>>estimated reading time > five to seven minutes.

~{ rose's pov}~

The night had been far from short. It had been traumatising.

We had seen the ship of dreams sink before our eyes. We watched hundreds of people lose their lives. Jack and I almost died. Everything in that damn night.

I sighed, trying to make myself calmer, remembering that we were okay now. Still, my hands were trembling and my heart was pulsating in my throat.

Jack was stumbling over his own feet as we walked towards the ward. I held his hand tightly. I was so concerned about his temperature...

I also had something in mind: If we survived together, we would stay together.

Until we arrive in New York, I will not be apart from him.

There were loads of people in that infirmary. In the very first moment I noticed a young woman sitting in one bed, she was totally still due to the shock, and didn't even seem to be breathing. But the silence was what prevailed in the atmosphere, making it more depressed than it could ever be.

Soon, a nurse spotted us and came to take care of Jack. He was taken to a bed after the old woman gave him some medicinal drugs.

"He is going to be okay, right?" I was afraid, and the nurse noticed that.

"Oh yes, my dear! This young man must be fine by the time we arrive in New York. He must've gotten pneumonia, it's just how his body reacted to the cold of last night." She explained, reaching my hands and holding them tightly. "Your man will be fine, darling, I promise he's in great hands." I couldn't help but let a smirk appear on my lips as she said those sweet words. Once again, I had tears in my eyes.

"Oh, sweetie... I know that it was terrible. But you are safe now, I'll take care of you, alright?" She assured me. I nodded, wiping the tears with the back of my hand.

Then she took one blanket of the loads she held in her arm and wrapped my shaking body in it.

"C'mon, honey, I'll take you to bed and-" The old nurse was leading me to another place.

"May you please leave me here? I want to stay with him." I begged, my voice raspy. The nurse's dark eyes met mine.

She sighed, letting go of my hand. "Okay, okay. Go back, then." The woman seemed to be a bit annoyed with my stubbornness when she put one of her hands on the waist. "But if you feel anything, you can look for me."

"Thank you so much."

'The headache and my burning throat aren't too relevant.' I thought.

In less than a few seconds, I reached Jack's bed. He was unconscious due to the fever. It broke my heart to see him like that. I sat on the bed edge and took Jack's head on my lap, gently taking the strands of his sweaty hair off his face with my still shaking hands.

Jack's eyes opened slowly, and he blushed when he noticed that I was watching him sleep. My lips curved up at his reaction.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as he sat on the bed and gently wrapped me on to his warm arms.

"Never better." His tone was sarcastic. "You?" Our eyes met.

I could see all the pain, all we had been through reflected in those sparkling blue eyes. I couldn't bear it if I had lost him that night. I couldn't go on without him. He appeared suddenly in my life, and in less than seven days he became a part of me that I couldn't go on without. The more I thought about it, the more it sounded like crazy.

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