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I couldn't help myself from updating it today lmao 😂

Wow, thank you so much for the 3K of reads and the 400 votes on my story! This means the world and even more for me! Anyway, enjoy this chapter, because I don't know when I'll be able to come back - The end notes will clarify everything tho.

You can scroll down to read the story now :)


~{ rose's pov }~

Watching the stars shining above me, with their flickering glitter that could take you somewhere in your mind that not even you knew, was the only amusement I had when we were in the streets and Jack was already sound asleep by my side, breathing heavily as all of his features were relaxed. He looked even more stunning when he was asleep, I could tell.

My mind began to jump of thought in thought, how we ended up here and how I didn't even remember about my old life anymore. I was glad that the nightmares weren't catching me at night as frequently as they used to.

However, that couldn't make my hunger or that weird qualm I was feeling in those last days - I threw up too, but I supposed it's nothing more than a stomach bug - any better. It had been more than a week that I had been fired, and money is something as rare as gold. If only we had that cash Beth gave us, and that bloody diamond...

I concluded it would be nice to take a walk on the shore, maybe listening to the sea and the sand massaging my feet would get me at ease and make me feel better about the nausea. The sun was about to rise, anyway.

Carefully, I moved to the side and buckled the blanket I bought with the savings of my miserable wage towards Jack, and he didn't even seem to notice that I was missing. I wouldn't take long, and there is no chance of Jack waking up before me.

Thankfully it was summer, and the sea breeze was something delightful to feel when it was warm all around. The only audible sound was the chirping of the birds and the waves crashing against the bluish sea that was getting lighter as the sun gleams sprouted out in the vast horizon before my eyes.

Still, I couldn't move the hunger aside. That's the reason for the dizziness. I think I've never felt this way before, I didn't know what was being hungry. I need to get a job soon.

There was not a single soul in that beach, due to the time. But listening to the sea was something that could heal my sorrow and bring me back to our reality. I must have walked for more than a hour, because when I realized that I should go back, the sun was already shining behind the sea, and the ring that Jack gave me was glimmering under the yellowish gleams. Until I spotted a familiar outline far away on the shore.

I walked towards Jack, who was holding something in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" Jack asked when we were close enough, his golden hair seemed to have imbibed and now reflected the morning light, as if it had originated from the sun itself.

"Good morning to you too." I huffed.

He wiggled his head, "Woah, sorry."

My eyes wandered to his hand, and my brow creased to what I was seeing. "How did you get this?"

"You don't wanna know." He said, careful with his words as he handed the croissant to me, not looking in the eye.

"You've stolen it, haven't you?" I guessed. His lips were pressed in a thin line, and that behavior of his could tell the unspoken words. "Did they catch you?"

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