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Hey!!!! Still alive here. And with good news!!! I've finished writing the whole story!!! (finally).

This is the last chapter. But there's an epilogue, does it counts, too? No clue, but I guess you got it, lol!

I don't know what this whole thing is. I'm trusting what I wrote and I hope you too.

Now, please, scroll down and enjoy the 45th chapter of the story of Jack and Rose!


The morning sun kissed her chubby cheeks, warming her heart as she enjoyed observing the artist making his magic with a paper sheet and a pencil in his right hand. She sat on a wooden bench, under a huge tree which she believed was the home of fairies, only visible to those who believed in them. The girl wore her favourite blue dress, made with a light, silky muselin, adorned with a flowery beige lace over the whole bluish fabric. Her golden curls were ornate with a pink ribbon, the one that she always wore, her favourite. 

She swayed her bare feet hanging on the bench, impatiently.

"Are you over yet?" The girl questioned the artist, tilting her head to the side, in an attempt to figure out if the sketch was finished or not.

His lips curved up, raising his gaze from the paper. "Not yet, but soon. Hold still, okay?"

The air was damp, a blend of the whiff coming from the daisies nearby and the soaked grass from the dew from last night.

Josephine nodded, following the instructions. Though, she didn't find it fun sitting still on the bench, so she kept talking to her father, as the pencil neatly glided across the paper sheet.

However, one question intrigued the young artist.

"Daddy, what's a soulmate?"

The young artist raised his stare, his eyes meeting the same azure of his own. The girl swayed her chubby legs, a curious expression printed on her face. Surprised, he wondered where she would've heard that word, unusual for a four year old girl.

As he sought for the right words, his mind led him to his kindred spirit, his soulmate. The woman that made him learn what true love is. The woman whom he would do anything for, whom he almost sacrificed his own life just to save hers. The talented actress that owned his heart, and he would be honoured to let her break it, if she wanted to.

"Come here, Josie." He called, placing the pencil and the drawing aside. Her curls swayed softly as she took hurried steps towards Jack, excited to listen to the explanation, and he pulled her in his lap, wrapping an arm around her tiny body and making sure that he was gazing into her eyes.

He was about to tell his daughter what true love is.

"It's a..." He began, in an attempt to find the right words, but in an easy way. "Well, it's like a best friend but more. It's one person in the world that kno ws you better than anyone else. It's the one that makes you a better person... Because they inspire you." The man's voice was stern, but in a good way. He was delighted by how his little girl was sweetly focused on his words. "A soulmate is someone who... Who you carry with you forever. It's the one person who... Who knows you and accepts you, and... And has believed in you before anyone else did - or when no one else would." He catched a glimpse of his life with her reflected in the eyes of their daughter. "And no matter what happens, you'll always love them. Nothing and no one could ever change that."

Josephine had understood every word.

"Are you and Mummy soulmates?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side, her new habit.

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