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Tbh, I don't like the way this chapter came out, but I didn't have enough time to work on it and I also didn't want to skip an update this time. Hope you enjoy it anyway!


Pretending. Faking. Feinting.

24th of December. Christmas.

I wasn't spending my favorite holiday with the one I love. Honestly, I wasn't blissful nor excited for that day. Why would I be? The Bukater's family surrounded me in that haggish house where they got me trapped, like a butterfly in a glass jar, and now, there was nothing I could do.  

"Awh! Have you decided on the baby's name yet?" The old, tall lady who was a distant cousin of my dad asked, dragging me back to my miserable reality.

Caledon slipped his hand to my back, but I instinctively dodged his touch. There was no way I would let him touch me, that was too much.

Thwarted, he spoke by himself: "We have, right darling? He will be named before my grandfather, Caleb."

I had to hold back my need to laugh at how terrible he was, even for pick names. I would never let anyone name my child like that. Caledon was so peremptory, we had never had a conversation about it before, but he has decided himself and that sounded enough.

Only if he knew...

"How lovely! Congratulations! You two will love how sweet and tricky parenthood can be." The woman sarcastically laughed before walking away, leaving me alone with the bastard.

I turned my heels, to stroll around the room, after all, anyone was better than Caledon. Before I could do so, the man grasped harshly on my wrist, and whispered in my ear: "I want you to come with me. Now."

His touch, his voice, his breathing, he made my whole body quiver in fear, and for a moment, I thought he would hit me, in front of everyone in the room.

"Did you understand, Rose?" He indaged harshly.

I shut my eyes, willing to get rid of his grasp. "Yes, sure."

Finally, Caledon let me go, but my heartbeat still raced in my chest.

Afraid of what he was capable to do if I didn't obey him, I followed the man through the hall, hesitating when he entered the office.

"Enter the room." His tone was bossy, and he had a severe look in his dark eyes as he held the door open for me.

I couldn't run away in the middle of that amount of people, nor would my five month belly allow me to do so.

"Cal, what are you planning to do?" I questioned, in an attempt to waste his time.

My hands instinctively reached for my baby bump when he wickedly replied: "I have a surprise for you, Rose. Come on in."

"Honey, I bet I will love your surprise, but I would love to enjoy the party a little longer." I surprised myself by how convincing I sounded, not letting the fear show in my voice.

Naive me, thinking he would agree with me.

"Don't complicate this simple situation." He chuckled sarcastically, crossing his arms. "Come in."

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