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I called this an "extra chapter" because it's kinda short and it's literally an extra part of the story. Enjoy reading the point of view of Jack Dawson!


~{ jack's pov }~

At some point of your life, you realize there are things and thoughts that you cannot control. It doesn't matter how strong the feeling, or perhaps, the need is. You can't have your life always under control. And, somehow, I learnt it in the worst way.

Since the sky was about to fall down, I headed back to the shelter, my mind busy with the flashbacks from our last conversation. Rose told me she wasn't going to take too long, and that's what I expected her to do when I entered the room and flopped on the bed.

That night, I stared at the wooden ceiling, waiting for her to come back as the heavy rain crackled on the window, wondering what I had done wrong, longing to talk to her again and everything would fall into place.

But it turns out life is tricky, and when you're less expecting, it's got you.

How could someone so hollow and careless like Claire ruin our relationship? Haven't we both gone through too much yet?

How could Rose, my Rose, not come back because of a stupid argument?

My shattered heart ached inside my chest. I kept waiting for her even when my eyelids were heavy, a small hint of hope still alive inside me.

What if she got lost?

Later on that morning, I decided to look for her, fighting with how exhausted my body and mind were. The sky was still gray, and I didn't like how crisp the breeze was.

Yesterday was a rainy night, she would have to find a small shelter and stay in there 'till the rain was over. But she was nowhere to be found. No one had seen a girl with red hair and a yellowish dress. I walked and looked in every damn place of that town, and there was no sign of Rose.

Eventually, I came back to the pier. Listening to the waves crashing and the cloudy horizon brought memories to my mind. I spotted a couple strolling by the shore, hand in hand, as they seemed to enjoy the conversation.

So this is what having a broken heart feels like.

I didn't care about the tears rolling down my cheek. I didn't care we argued yesterday. I only wanted to have the chance to look her in the eyes and talk to her, ask her what I did wrong.

However, why should I stay optimistic about this whole situation? Rose didn't come back yesterday, and she won't come back any soon.

She didn't believe me. Love isn't only about desire and lust and attraction. Love is trusting each other, understanding each other, scarifying yourself for the one you love, because you want them to be happy.

I loved her. But was this feeling mutual?


California didn't make any sense without her. Everywhere I went flushed my mind with memories, and I couldn't handle that anymore.

I felt miserable.

There was no inspiration to keep drawing. There was no money left to pay for the shelter. Food was as rare as the few times I smiled in two weeks straight. I kept wasting my nights with intrusive thoughts and I couldn't help the tears.

I had lost her.

She wasn't going to come back.

And I couldn't wait forever.

It was over.

Not thinking twice, I bought a ticket to Winsconsin.


Another month went by. My life didn't make sense without her anymore, and I wondered if I had lived a life before her. Just like that, she shattered my heart and soul, stepping hard on them and leaving scars that no one could heal but her.

At least, I had Beth. I told her the whole story, and she couldn't believe Rose would be able to do such a thing. However, I still couldn't believe it, either.

"I could see it in her eyes, Rose truly loved you, Jack." Beth told me in our conversation back then. The old lady was disappointed. I believe she was happy for both of us, but now... Now I realised that 'till forever falls apart.

When I laid down on the grass, in a sleepless night, I allowed my mind to bring back the memories from the nights we watched the stars. I would give everything I had for one more day with her, to have her safe in my arms and to hear her sweet laugh again. I missed her warm, cherry lips and her smile, brighter than the moon shining above me.

A sharp breeze blew, making my skin shiver and the water in my cheeks go cold. I wondered if, from wherever she was, she would be watching the starry sky as well, wondering if she missed me the way I did.

My love for her was stronger than any other feeling I had ever felt in my life. She became everything to me out of a sudden. And, just like she popped up in my life, she flew away, leaving behind only the memories that would live in my mind forever.

I just couldn't fathom why she did that. I kept wondering what I had said in our last conversation, but there was nothing wrong with it. Perhaps, she just needed a small break, and someday, she will fly back to me if she wants to.

But that wouldn't change the mere fact that everything reminded me of her, and that I missed her everyday.

Until, on October 19th, there was a letter for me.

A letter from my french girl.


My heart shattered when I wrote this short chapter, but I wanted you to know what was going on in Jack's life, and a lot of people requested me this, lol! Are you excited to read that letter?

loads of love,

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