~{ TWELVE }~

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Heyyoo! I'm glad to have you here once more! I really like the way this chapter came out, so I'd like to dedicate this to my talented bestie, kleotheshipofdreams . You deserve the world, gurll!

Now you guys can procede lol!

~{ rose's pov }~

Today, Bethany insisted on buying me some proper clothes, telling me that I looked like a homeless person who asks alms to everyone that they spot on the streets.

Besides I didn't agree with her words about my appearance, I let her take me to some shopping, since, very deep inside, I missed doing that. Also, my clothes aren't suitable for the weather here.

"Y'know, Jack has been through a lot already." The woman began, sternly glancing to the sidewalk as we walked. "And I see how happy you make him. I can see how his eyes shine when he talks about you, my dear." She turns to me. I smiled weakly, feeling embarrassed. Her hand finds it's was to my shoulder. "You are blessed to have his love, Rose. And Jack is lucky to have such a beautiful woman that makes him happy, too."

"We're lucky to have each other, yes." I nodded, struggling to carry the loads of bags that Beth insisted on paying for.

We were done for today, according to her words. And I was already wearing a new silky dress, made of light purple muslin and a white wool shawl, to keep me warm. Luckily, I didn't have to squeeze in a corset anymore.

"I didn't have that luck as you two do, darling." Her hand flapped slightly on my shoulder, as she stared at my eyes again. And I could see sorrow reflected on them.

"I have...- My husband... I lost him years ago. But I didn't love him, y'know?" I agreed, knowing exactly what it felt like. A knot made my stomach heavier at the thought. "It wasn't something pure or true enough to call..." She paused, thinking before saying out loud. "'love'".

"I'm sorry, Beth." I said, honestly, giving her a cozy look.

"Oh, don't be sorry, sweetie. This is what all the girls have to go through, isn't it?" She shook her head, trying to conform herself.

But before I could give her a proper answer, I spotted a new, sophisticated building on the end of the avenue. Narrowing my eyes, I finally got to know what that huge thing was.

A theater!

"Oh. My. God." I said, speechless by it's glorious architecture. Beth followed my look.

"Ah, the new theater." She made a gesture with her hand. "I heard the news about it. They say it's called 'Palace Theater'. Corny, isn't it?"

"It's not that corny to me, Beth. Could you please hang on a second? I really need to do something." I handed her the bags quickly, and they almost fell down if Bethany catch them in the air.

She stared at me as if I was outta mind.

"I will be right back!" I shouted to her, already getting inside the beautiful building.

Adrenaline flushed my veins when I spotted a group of young actors practicing a scene on the stage. Some lights on, the red curtains tied up on both corners of the wooden stage. It was a theater that I could be part of, if I had luck.

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