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Wassup folks! This story is almost on its end (finally?)

There are 3 more chapters left and the epilogue (which I haven't written yet, shame on me lol). I hope you're enjoying reading this story so far! Now, please dive into the fourty second chapter of UL!!

Recommended song: Clocks by Coldplay

Recommended song: Clocks by Coldplay

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~{ narrator's pov }~

"What is it?" Jack called, approaching Rose on the stern of the ship, who seemed to be mused in her mind, drifting away along with the ship. She watched the greenish piece of land fading away, calmly blending in the azure hues of the ocean and sea. The sun gleams kissed her face, keeping her soul warm.

She took a deep breath in, finally being able to get rid of the thick, black coat she had been hiding in.

"Y'know..." As she began, she turned to face Jack, but her heart skipped a beat when she noticed he was alone. "Where's Josephine?"

He shrugged, not taking her alarmed stare seriously. "Lucio is here. He's taking care of her so we can get some rest. I thought you wouldn't mind."

"Jack, you can't give our daughter away like that." She scolded, a concerned expression printed on her face.

"I'm sorry, I should've asked you." He prompted his elbows on the railing as well, watching the choppy water moulded by the ship dissipating in the bluish immensity.

"It's okay. I know Lucio is good with children." She reassured him, a weak smile in her lips when her hand found his. 

Rose observed the tiny piece of land getting smaller by the minute, her palm sweating against the warmth of his. They watched the ocean surrounding them silently, listening only to the waves crashing on the iron of the ship. It was a blend of feelings, somehow, relieved for making it until there, but frightened because of where they would live their next ten days on.

The wind shattered her words, "Aren't we too audacious?"

He tried to hide his tension, still watching the blue blending with the horizon. "Maybe. But that's the only way we can reach Europe."

"This ship is so... so similar. The memories..." Her voice was almost a whisper lost in the wind.

A crisp breeze blew, the waves stirring subtlety, the humidity imbued in their lungs with every breath taken.

He squeezed her hand softly, "I know." The ocean blue of his eyes met the celadon shade of hers, "I think we are meant to live with those memories."

It was true. The shipwreck would be printed in their souls and minds forever.

However, that shipwreck had also bonded their souls forever. They were fated to fall in love and never let go of that burning flame in their hearts.

Chastely, Rose wrapped her arms around Jack and pulled him into her embrace. Soon, they would become a bunch of people in the middle of the Atlantic, trusting their lives in an iron structure which they surely knew was 'sinkable'. He held her tight, and she felt safe. As long as they were together, nothing could come between them.

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