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Hey baes! Here we go, one more chapter. Twenty fifth part of the story, that's a lot already, lol! Anyway, scroll down and please, dive into the story!


The birds were chirping from the garden near the window of the room when I woke up with the sunlight kissing my face. I must have ended up falling asleep on the cold floor of the bathroom, with my back on the white tiles. My eyelids were heavy and my mind was still assimilating everything that happened in the last three days.  

Oh, yes. My life was falling apart. It was like a hurricane, only leaving you with broken pieces that you have to find the solution to fix them.

I didn't want to get up. There was no reason to keep going when I knew that there was no way out. He didn't know that I was trapped in my old life again. He ain't coming to save me this time.

Jack would end up leaving me behind, but I don't blame him. After all, I was the one who messed up everything, right? He would think that I wasn't coming back, so he would carry on with his life, as he should.

And I came back to the precipice again.

I wanted to cry, but there were no more tears left. I was a lost soul, with the same old fears, lost in Philadelphia, far away from the other half of my heart, willing to come back to my homie. And the mere possibility of carrying a life inside me got me quivering in fear. If I didn't run away soon, we would get hurt, for sure.

My eyes dropped to my fingers, Jack's ring sparkling under the sunlight. Guilty washed over my body and soul as I pictured him, waiting for me in that old room shelter, perhaps concerned I didn't come back after the thunderstorm. My eyes brimmed with tears at the mere thought of how he could be suffering, how much pain he could be feeling, because of me. He didn't have even a hint of what was going on. I couldn't reach him from Philadelphia.

Until a knock on the door dragged me out of my thoughts.

"Miss? It's time to wake up!" A feminine voice announced before unlocking the door and walking inside the room. "I brought your breakfast." I watched her carefully leaving the tray on the small wooden table on the side of my bed, her eyes running through the place to find me.

The door was opened. The maid wasn't looking. If only I was fast enough to run away from that house...

"Is everything alright, Mrs. Hockley?" The girl asked, getting worried as she laid her eyes on me. It was the same maid that caught me before I could flop in the ground on the first day.

I shut my eyes hard at the way she was referring to me. "Don't call me like that again."

The maid's eyes widened, "But..."


I didn't care if I was being rude. There was no way I could stand that. And to my surprise, she nodded.

"As you wish, Miss." She made a reverence before spreading her hand towards me.

I got up.


They compelled me to wear one of my fancy gowns, with a violet skirt adorned with a beautiful kind of lace, the same used for the sleeves that reached my forearm. Only to meet him. The coward that made my world turn black and white.

Ruth didn't look for me. I also didn't even ask for her. I enjoyed that.

"There you are!" The old English maid exclaimed in awe when she finished tidying the satin bow in my waist. "You are stunning, Miss!"

When I glanced at my reflection in the mirror of the dressing table I was sitting at, with my body squeezed in a corset and my hair up in a gracious bun, I felt numb. Somehow, I didn't see myself in the reflection; I saw a woman with a hollow soul with no love in the heart. The person in the mirror was someone else, someone who I didn't know. 

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