~{ SIX }~

570 38 49

>>estimated reading time > six to eight minutes

~{ rose's pov }~

"What- Do you want to spend the night here?" I could tell that Jack didn't expect this when he furrowed his eyebrows.

I nodded my head and my eyes met his.

"Are you sure? I can get a better place for you." I began walking through the big area as Jack continued his caring and sweet speech "We got some money and...-"

"Save the money for the food, then." I playfully demand, raising my nose.

"As you want, Miss." He shrugged. We both laughed so hard that the few people who were near glanced at us, as if we were doing something wrong.

"Those people are a bunch of jerks, huh?" I thought out loud as I made my way to the nearest bench.

"I think the ones out of their minds here are us, Rose." He chuckled and sat by my side.

I took a deep breath and leaned my head on his shoulder, finally resting my legs after a long time walking without a break. "Well, maybe..."

An awkward silence paired the air.

"Are you hungry?" Jack asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm starving!" I said. As I stared at the trembling gleams on the ground, Jack remembered about something stupid, but crucial.

"God, Rose. We haven't bought the tickets!" I quickly raised my head off his shoulder and looked straight at the counter. It was still open.

"Oh, shit!" I can't help but laugh hard at what we just remembered."Now I'm pretty sure that we are the jerks. How could we have forgotten this, Jack? Gosh!" I raised my hand to my forehead, trying to conform myself as Jack stood up.

"Let's do it like this: You get the tickets and I get the food, okay?" He handed me ten dollars of the remuneration that we got earlier.

I nodded as I stood up in front of him. "I will be right back." He assured me before pecking my lips quickly, making my cheeks burn.

Then, I walked towards the counter and bought us two tickets to California. I couldn't help but couldn't take off the thought of how lucky I was to be here after that night. And with a new life with him.

I held tightly the two tickets before coming back to the bench. I glanced around to check if Jack was coming back, but there was no sign of him yet.

By now, it was only me and the old guy at the counter in that huge station. It was so big that it seemed like those odd dreams that you have after an odd day.

My thoughts brought me to another possible reality of Cal and Mother had found out that I was alive. Would Jack and I still be together? How would I be fee-


I literally jumped up on that damn bench when Jack scared me. But I still held the tickets tightly in my hand.

"Gosh, Jack." I gasped, raising my free hand to my chest, feeling my heart quickened.

He giggled softly before handing me a sandwich and the drink while sitting by my side again.

"It was the best the money could buy..." His expression quickly changed to a concerned face as he stared at the food in his hands. He cared so much about me and my heart thawed every time he said something sweet and caring like that.

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