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Some people believe that a soulmate is someone they met in another lifetime, and that they have some kind of 'special connection' with.

Others would just say that it's just a beautiful figment created by the most acclaimed romantic writers, that wanted to give to their readers the most bittersweet feelings.

Well, this will certainly change your mind if you are part of 'others'.

Soulmates are "twin flames" who reflect their own true natures, who have the same energy, who are meant to be, doesn't matter who, when or where.

It's just what the universe wants, and nothing and no one could come between their 'special connection.'

These people are who deserves the best of us, because you know that they would do their best if anything happens to you.

Giving someone a piece of your soul is better than giving a piece of your heart. Because souls are eternal, and will last forever in eternity.

The little blonde haired girl, who the curls were wafting by the cool breeze of the trees as she watched with an inquiring look the man do his magic with only a pencil and a piece of paper, asked suddenly:

"Daddy, what's a soulmate?"

The man elevated his ocean eyes to stare at the porcelain face of his daughter.

That question intrigued the young artist. But he couldn't help but remember about her. The woman that made him learn what true love is. The woman that he would do anything, that he would sacrifice his own life just to save hers. The talented actress that owned his heart, and he would be honored to let her break it, if she wanted to.

He thought about her, about that special soul that matched with him, besides all the differences between their lives.

When he felt ready, the man took the little girl in his lap, wrapping her tiny body into his arms and being sure that she was staring into his eyes.

He was about to tell her what true love really is.

"It's a..." He began, trying to find the right words, but in an easy way. "Well, it's like a best friend but more. It's one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's the one that makes you a better person... Because they inspire you." The man's voice was stern, but in a good way. He was delighted by how his little girl was sweetly focused on his words.

"A soulmate is someone who... Who you carry with you forever. It's the one person who... Who knows you and accepts you, and... And believes in you before anyone else did - or when no one else would." He could see his life with her reflected in the eyes of their daughter. "And no matter what happens, you'll always love them. Nothing and no one could ever change that."

The girl didn't seem to be confused. She was admired by the meaning of 'soulmate'.

"Are you and Mummy soulmates?" She asked, tilting her head to the side, in a lovely way.

Then, the red haired woman walked into the garden, grinning as she caressed her swollen tummy. Her husband and her exchanged looks, as if they could read each other's eyes without the need of words.

The artist turned his gaze at the girl as his wife joined them in the wooden bench, under a big, majestic tree and intertwined their fingers.

"Yes, sweetie." The couple's eyes met, and they could picture the movie of their lives in each other's eyes. "We are."

They are the most beautiful proof that soulmates are real, and can go through anything or anyone, since they can trust each other without misgivings.

"When you're in love, you're capable of learning everything and knowing things you had never dared even to think, because love is the key to understanding all the mysteries."
– Paulo Coelho

That's it! Tell me your opinions on the comments bellow, I'll be happy to know your thoughts!

And a little disclaimer: I got inspired by a trend on Tiktok, so some lines here aren't originally mine, but idk to who I'd give the credits. lol 😂😂

Now you can keep reading!

loads of love,

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