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Necessarily long chapter ahead! Before you ask, this scene is only a part of the plot, so there's more to come hehe. Keep reading to find out!


~{ jack's POV }~

I wanted to slap that bastard's face, send both of them to hell without hesitating, but I couldn't do anything since they trapped me as well. They didn't seem interested in the money or in what our bags contained, they oddly seemed interested in us.

The man who trapped Rose applied more presure on the knife on her neck, and that made my nerves tingle and my blood boil through my veins. They were torturing Rose. "From now on, you two will obey every single word we say." She nodded with eyelids shutted and lips trembling.

"If you move or if you say anything, he will cut the girl's neck. Do you understand?" The other man spat the words, tightening the grip in my arms. I nodded and the man immediately took his hands off me, almost shoving me to the ground. "Hands up!"

I obeyed him, reluctant. He quickly reached our bags and began to look inside them with urgency, as if he was seeking for something.

"Please, let me go." I heard Rose begging, crying in despair. My jaw clenched so hard that I thought my tooth would break, and the blood was simmering in my veins. I found myself broken when her eyes met mine, she was daunted, startled, and begging for this to end. I couldn't let them hurt her, I couldn't just stand there and watch that mother fucker torture my Rose.

My eyes quickly wandered to a few wooden boxes near me, and my plan was to smash them on the head of the man who trapped Rose, and it had to work, since the other one was busy with our backpacks and it was the only chance I had. It couldn't go wrong.

But at the moment I bugde to the side carefully, I heard Rose squirming,"Don't!" And I immediately stopped, knowing that if I tried to do the most nimble move, Rose would get hurt anyway.

I cursed myself badly for this. For cannot protect the girl I swore I would do so. Tears of fear streamed down her flushed cheeks, and the girl who once didn't want to live was now begging for life.

As soon as the man who had the bags moved his head, my eyes followed him and I could notice him exchanging looks with the other, who seemed to be studying Rose's features.

He finally moved the knife away from her, unleashing her. She gasped in relief, her knees so trembling that caused her to collapse on the ground, sobbing hard as she rubbed her reddened neck.

"Rose!" I took one step towards her, but one man stopped me.

"Give me your money." He ordered, arms crossed. All I could hear was Rose sobbing on the ground. I held my breath and clenched my fists, holding myself back from buffeting his disgusting face.

"I don't have any. It's all in my bag." I felt a shiver running down my spine when both of them glanced at me, distrusted. "Now go away, huh? Isn't it enough?"

I thought they were going to inspect my clothes, longing for money. Instead, I got slapped on the face. I heard Rose gasping, and once again I fought with the need of slapping them back. It burned, yes, but it didn't hurt more than seeing Rose like that, crying her lungs out on the ground, after being threatened by two psychopaths. And I couldn't do anything to take her away from them.

Soon, they dissipated in the darkness of the night, taking with them all the food, the money and the clothes we had. I ran towards Rose, kneeling down and wrapping her shaking body in my arms.

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