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Hey, there! Hope you're doing okay.

First of all, I'm so sorry for not updating last week. School is keeping me busy as if I were a 35yo business woman, lol 😭
I worked hard on this one, and I still think it's not a well-written one as I wanted it to be. But I hope you appreciate it, anyways.


~{ rose's pov }~

Three more days in that house felt like three whole years. It seemed I was stuck in time. Sometimes, the questions and boundaries and their severe stare could get me panting, as if there was no space even to breathe anymore.

Ruth was amazed by Caledon's idea. For her, that was one more sign of how he truly adored me, and she was planning everything to come out wonderfully. Today's morning, a dressmaker came over to draw a gown that could make my body look thinner and curvy. She wanted me to look the prettiest I have ever been, only to assure Cal he has made the best choice of his life by proposing to me.

Between all those boundaries and demands, none of them says that a women's choice comes first.

They should be able to open their eyes and realise that I had never been one of them. I had never fitted in that place, and it has been draining my body and soul.

By the afternoon, the only woman who was aware of my feelings came over, as she promised.

This time, Molly had a purse with her — and a hat adorned with blossom lace and a ribbon bow, impossible to not notice. Mother looked at me with an approval expression on her face, I was squeezed in a corset. Little did she know why I was wearing it.

"Well, Ruth, if you allow me, I would like to show Rose some nice stuff I found for her marriage." She turned to me, "Trust me, honey, you won't regret it." Mother seemed to be pondering the idea. "I will bring her back soon, don't worry."

Molly was going to take me to the town with her!

"I don't see why not." Ruth shrugged, approving it.

For some generous few seconds, I remembered what excitement feels like. The tiny flame of hope that I had struggled to keep alive grew inside me, and it seemed possible.

Reaching Jack felt possible.


"Your excuse was great!" I admitted as we stepped on the crowded avenues of Philadelphia. I took a small time to admire the familiar details. Nothing had changed since the last time I strolled by the sidewalks. Honestly, I didn't miss it at all.

"I know. I had been thinking about it the whole way to your house." She giggled, contaminating me with her smile. "So, ready to post the letter to your lover?"

"Of course!" I replied, a stirring of happiness growing on my face as we walked towards the mail.

I could try to ignore it, the chance of everything not work. However, I knew them, I knew how to play that game. I was taking the risks and playing with them.

After all, that was my only precious chance. The only way to find the lost artist with a broken heart, who could be in any place in this mad world. That letter had to find him, no matter what or who. Jack should be aware of this whole mess - the mess I made, and now he's involved, too.


"Now that it is posted, all you have to do is wait." Molly concluded as we stepped off the mail, sunlight lightening her face.

"Not in that house, for God's sake." I remembered. She frowned. "I need to get the hell out of there as soon as possible." I tried to explain to her without mentioning the baby.

"Why can't you wait until you get a letter from Jack? If you leave the house now, his letter won't find you, darling." There was a hint of concern in her voice, brows still creased while we walked away from the mail.

I sighed, not wanting to admit that she was right. "How long until he receives it?"

She shrugged, "A month and something, if you're lucky." All my hope faded inside me. I couldn't wait that long. If Caledon finds out I'm carrying a child of another man, of a Dawson, not even God knows of how far he can go. "You want to reach someone on the other side of the country, it couldn't be quick."

The cold breeze blew my hair. "I can't stay in that house this long." I trailed her off, turning to face her as we ambled through the cold and clustered avenues of Philadelphia.

"Why is it, Rose?" She asked, waiting for a lame excuse.

Some people bumped into me when I stopped walking, but I needed to be sure I was genuinely gazing at her kind eyes. I shivered at the words that came out of my mouth, pronouncing them for the first time.

"I'm pregnant."

Molly blinked her eyes a few times, jaw slightly dropped. "Oh. My. Goodness." I watched the heat of her face vanishing in a matter of seconds. "This makes things a lot tougher. How... How have you been, darling? Oh, God. You are so young!" For a brief moment, I thought she wasn't going to stop shooting the words.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." I shut my eyes, trying hard to keep my voice steady. "But now you understand why I can't stay there for any longer. If Cal finds out... Oh, God! I don't even want to think about it."

She raised a hand to my shoulder. "Rose, you can't live in the streets anymore. You can't put yourself in danger." Again, Molly was right. "Perhaps, if you trick Cal..."

"What do you mean by tricking Cal?" I asked, curious to know what was going on in her mind.

She slightly chuckled, "C'mon, let's go get a nice cup of coffee first."

Molly led me to a bakery that used to be one of my favourites, and it felt like she was never going to stop talking. My jaw dropped a few times at her insane ideas. We made an agreement, something clever to enjoy the dinner Caledon was hosting in a few days.

Later on, we strolled through a few stores, and to an antique library I always used to visit. I spotted a portfolio and loads of pencils, inks and paper sheets, of every kind and size. Jack would have loved it. 

It was a lovely way to spend the afternoon, far away from Ruth's presence.

When I came back to the house, for the first time I felt that I wouldn't be stuck in there forever. I felt relieved to know that I was doing everything I could, that I was trying my best to get rid of this place and the people who live in it.

Somehow, I had found enough strength to get up from the floor, to wipe my tears off and to face my reality.


Shorter than the usual, lol. What do you think Molly Brown told Rose? Let me know your thoughts on the comments bellow! Don't forget to vote if you're enjoying the story!


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