318 18 73

estimated reading time > six to eight minutes

This is my favourite chapter so far, and I would like to fully dedicate it to the chaotic girls that can make my days get 101% better. kleotheshipofdreams and PhoebeSmythe . I love you both! Thank you for being there for me.


~{ rose's POV }~

I could spend my whole day sitting on the roots of a tree, with fresh air in my lungs and a good book in my hands. And with Jack's company.

"We could go to California again, huh?" I asked as soon as the idea popped up in my mind, still looking at the words on the book that seemed boring compared to the picture of Jack and I, that a nice man insisted on taking it a while ago.

"Really?" Jack replied from the tree twigs, sounding quite focused on what he was doing. He climbed up there just to have a better view for his drawing.

I grinned at the few memories as I stared at a little child getting some ice cream from the iceman in the park, "Yes! We can get money with that diamond. And I miss waking up with the sound of the waves crashing and the warm breeze!" I was craving to walk barefoot on that white sand again and to scent the smell of the sea. "Oh! We also could go to an Amusement Park and ride roller coasters as we-" I was trailed off when Jack's pencil fell down right on the page of my book.

"Woops!" He giggled as he climbed down the tree. I think I felt my cheeks burn when I handed him the pencil and peeked at what he was drawing.

The traits formed nothing more than a fully focused me reading a book under a tree, seeing from above.

He smirked at me, his floppy hair falling down his forehead, "So that's why you climbed on the tree!" I chuckled in embarrassment.

"Um..." He sat down beside me, his arm rubbing on mine softly, "I just wanted to practice, y'know?" He leaned his head towards mine, "And you are my inspiration for everything. You inspire me, Rose."

If I wasn't sure if I was blushing before, I was sure that after his words my face went as red as a tomato.

I turned to look at his bright ocean eyes, "I feel honored, Mr. Artist."

Jack smiled, and I loved to stare at the way his perfect lips curved up in a perfect grin. I could feel his warm breath brushing against my lips, and I suddenly felt the urge to brush my lips on his. And so I did, and I would never get tired of the feeling of his taste in my mouth, or the way his touch could light my whole body up. Only Jack could make me shiver under his touch.

Even though we are in a public place and kissing your boyfriend would be a huge scandal, I didn't care. He's my boyfriend and we're in love, I didn't get what was wrong about it.

I pulled away, out of breath, and he slipped a hand to the back of my neck, "I love you so fucking much, Jack Dawson. You know that, right?"

His thumb caressed my cheek gently, "Of course I know." I giggled. "And I love you so fucking much too." He peaked my lips once more and I loved the feeling of being loved.

I grinned, resting my head on his shoulder and entwining our fingers together. "Do you think Beth will be alright?"

"Don't feel bad. She will be fine." He chuckled softly at my concern.

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