~{ TEN }~

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I'd like to thank my two dearest friends, Mell and KLEOFOREVER1997 , who helped me to think about something brilliant for this chapter! It wouldn't have turned this amazing without you, girls. Thank you so much!!

>>estimated reading time > ten to twelve minutes

~{ rose's pov }~

"Why the hell do I need to wear those?" I asked Jack, pointing to the trousers, still confused.

"Just do it. Trust me, you won't regret it." He tilted his head towards the clothes on the bed, a little smirk on his face. I hesitated, still confused, but ended up doing what he said.

Jack walked off the room to give me some privacity to wear his shirt and trousers. I was dying of curiosity. What is he planning to do with me like this?

I finished buttoening the shit and glanced at myself in the dimmish mirror, near the bed-table. Besides I was wearing men's clothes, I didn't look like one, maybe it was because of my loose hair - way longer than a month ago. I have to say, trousers are much more comfortable than squeezed in a corset, I don't get why women can't use them.

As the hem was too long,I bent it up a little bit. It was better that way.

I stepped off the room, and I noticed a piece of black fabric on Jack's hand.

"You look good in these baggy clothes." His eyes traveled my body before packing my lips. I smiled.

"This feels so comfortable. I wish women's clothes were like that." I admitted, looking down at the pants I've never worn before. "I really love those trousers, to be honest."

He smiled and led me towards the street, hand in hand.

"Now, Mr. Mysterious, can you please tell me what's that for?" I asked one more time, but I knew that he wouldn't say anything. He laughed, showing his perfect smile.

Everyone in the street stared at me, a mix of disgust and scorn in their eyes. Just because I was a girl wearing pants. They were disgusting.

"You can ask a thousand times, Mrs. Curious. I'm not gonna tell you. It's a surprise." He had a kind of excited look in his eyes, causing him to look even more cute.

"Well then, show me that surprise." I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow, teasing him. Jack glanced down at his hands.

"You'll have to wear this." I didn't get why he was a bit concerned about that.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.

"On your eyes."

"What?!" He chuckled at my -expected- reaction.

"C'mon, lemme blindfold you." I couldn't believe him.

"But, Jack, how am I supposed to walk? And- And what people will think of me? I-" My eyes widened at the thought. I couldn't help but giggle as I pictured me walking blindfolded on the streets.

"Don't worry about it. And I planned everything. You just need to trust me."

"I trust you, Jack." I gave him a genuine look. His lips curved into a shy smile as he straightened the fabric.

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