~{ FIVE }~

580 38 14

>>estimated reading time > four to six minutes

~{ rose's pov }~

I opened my eyes as I felt something smooth under me. It was an all white room, with only a window that was enough to illuminate the room fully. I wasn't on a ship anymore, it didn't have any ventilation tubes and it was edible enough.

Then, I tried to sit up, but my back hurt a lot. I was dressed in a white nightie and I had a needle in the vein in my arm.

I felt something warm in my other hand and I literally jumped up in the bed.

"Hey, Rose." It was Jack. "I didn't mean to scare you." I was confused.

"Were you here all the time?"

He chuckled as he noticed my mess. "Yes, I was."

"Wha- What happened? How did I get here?" I looked around again, trying to get a hint from where we were.

"We're on land now. We're in a hospital that they offered to people who lost everything in the shipwreck." He said softly, still holding my hand. "You fainted last night, I think that's because you were too weak. How are you feeling now?"

"Oh... It's nothing serious. I'm fine. We can get out of here now." I said, trying to get up from that damn bed.

Jack immediately stopped me with one of his arms as I grumbled. "Take it easy, girl." I noticed that his handcuffs were not there anymore.

I rolled my fingers through his injured wrist. "You finally got rid of those, huh?" He grinned as my skin touched his. "Do you know anything about Fabrizio and Tommy?"

His expression changed quickly to one sorrowful. "They didn't make it." I tightened my grip in his hand, but before I could say anything, a tall and round doctor walked in the room.

"It seems that someone is awake. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I'm fine. When can we get out of here?" The man seemed to be surprised by the way I said those words. I wanted so badly to get out of that hospital.

"Well, you guys are very lucky to not have any sequels. You two are only weak. But I still want you, miss, to spend one more day here, just for precaution." His tone was stern.

I nodded. His dark eyes gazed at me and Jack one more time before he left the room. Then, I received some analgesics before eating what the nurse handled for me.

Jack and I didn't talk too much. We weren't in the mood. But I was happy since he was better than the other days. He told me about how he couldn't sleep for the last few nights as well. It wouldn't be easy.

We fell asleep together, in the same bed. I felt so safe in his arms, that I could finally get some proper sleep. Jack was able to do that too.

The rest of the morning passed by and the doctor popped into the room.

The grey haired man examined me one more time and took off that needle in my vein.

"Well, I see that you're fine. And I don't see any reason for you to stay here." I couldn't help but smile at his words. "Your clothes were washed, someone will bring them here. You will also get some remuneration before you go."

Jack looked excited at the doctor's words. The man keep talking:

"I almost forgot to say," He raised his eyebrows, getting closer to me and with something in hands. "We found it in the pocket of your coat. It seems to have some value, so I decided to give it personally." He handed me a necklace. The necklace. My heart pounded when I took that heavy diamond in the palm of my hand.

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