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Hey fellows! Well, I thought it's been a long time since I don't upload so here's a bit of the continuation of the story. I really hope you enjoy it! <3


~{ jack's pov }~

I had never fathomed such a thing before. When people say they ache because of watching someone they love hurt. It was a bunch of bullshit, until I knew what "being in love" means.

Rose resembled an elegant swan with a broken wing, longing to fly again. Eager to fly, seeking for freedom and for the tiny things in life that makes her feel genuine bliss. Somehow, she was not able to fly, her wing was hurt and she couldn't fix it on her own. Perhaps, I could be the one who helps her heal, and set her free.

And something inside me shattered when her eyes looked at mine, begging for mercy, and there was nothing I was able to do. She was in agony in that place, she walked some miles away, into the cold and the dark to get rid of them.

I sat in a gutter with her on my lap, the street was deserted and the sidewalks empty. Only the moon and the constellations to witness our secret love on the gloomy avenue, the cool air night and the dew that filled my lungs making the place more familiar. She rested her head on the curve of my neck, arms spread onto my shoulders, and I embraced her tightly, relishing the heat of her body against mine.

I didn't want to let her go that night.

I wanted to hold her forever.

Reaching for her hand, I noticed how freezing her skin was, so I placed my coat over her shoulders, in an attempt to make her feel warmer. She smiled back in response.

"What do you think she will look like?" She whispered softly, her warm breath tickling my neck.

Rose wasn't aware, but I would picture our baby's face every night, before drifting to sleep.

"I think she will have your fiery strands, and your smile, and your eyes." I paused, picturing our baby in my mind. "I think her features will resemble you." I whispered back, stroking her hair gently as a silly smile wobbled on my lips.

"I think she will resemble you, so I can call her little Dawson." I couldn't see her face, but I was sure she said that smiling. A tear sprouted on the corner of my eye. "She will love art, too."

"I don't doubt that." I giggled softly, bringing her closer to me. "I want her to be healthy and happy. That's enough for me." I admitted, being genuine.

"You're right." Rose raised her head from my shoulders, locking her greenish eyes into mine. The sorrow printed on her face made my chest ache. She looked like the girl I met on a ship almost a year ago.

The worst kind of pain is when you both know how rare those moments are, and how they can quickly vanish away, so you want to memorise every feeling, every touch, every stare; but the voice in the back of your mind keeps reminding you that it is slipping through your fingers, and you can't never get enough of it, enough of the one you love.

She delicately placed her hand on my cheek, bitterly smiling the pain away. I could hear all of her fears, all of the problems she would have to deal with if they catched two people in love, loving each other. My eyes betrayed me, warm tears rolling down my cheeks. I didn't intend on showing her my feelings like that, I had to stay strong for her. But, in that moment, she made me feel safe to break down, to unbottle my feelings. So, she cupped my face, pressing her soft lips on my forehead before letting me silently sink on her shoulder.

I didn't have to say anything, neither did she. Having someone to rely on, to trust without misgiving is the greatest form of love you can ever experience in life.

"I'm sorry" I slurred, my voice muffled as tears soaked the fabric of her dress. I held her for dear life.

Soothingly, she caressed my hair, holding me closer as her cheek rested on the top of my head.

"It's okay to cry, darling."

And my heart ached, no medicine to heal the pain I felt and no words to express how broken it was.

She was an angel from heaven, mailed to the wrong address.

Indeed, it was okay to cry, because she fathomed my reasons, she knew how that agony felt like.

We held each other like that for a couple of minutes, maybe hours, but it seemed we had stopped in time and nothing could come between us.

I enjoyed the warmth of her body against mine, delighted to hold her in my arms like that, listening to the peaceful rustle of some mulches nearby when the soft breeze blew. Her fingers were entwined with mine, she rested her head in my chest snugly, and I prompted my chin on the top of her hair, watching her chest rise and fall with every breath.

It was so cosy, so safe that my eyelids began to feel heavy, and even with my brain not working well, I still remembered we couldn't fall asleep at any time.

I dropped my gaze to Rose's face, who had all of her features relaxed, in a peaceful sleep. I hated to remember it, but she had to come back.

"Rosie" I whispered softly, bringing my hand to her cheek, stroking it with my thumb. "Hey" I got a groan in response. "You can't fall asleep in here."

She squeezed my hand, slurring the words, "I don't wanna come back."

"I know." I sighed, defeated. "But it's almost over, you've already come this far. We can't mess it up now."

"Stop being right all the time." She grunted, raising her head from my chest, sitting straight, our fingers still tangled. I had missed her bad mood when she's sleepy.

Gently, I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "You okay?" She shocked her head positively, beginning to come back to reality. "Can I walk you home?"

"Yeah." She rubbed her eye, "But that house is not my home."

"Right." I smiled weakly, helping her to get up from where we had been sitting for hours.

"I don't think I'll ever do this again. It's exhausting." She was probably still half asleep. I wrapped an arm around her waist, to keep her steady as we walked.

"You won't have to. I'll reach you wherever you are."

"You're wonderful, Jack." My heart got warmer, and I planted a kiss on her head.

We didn't talk a lot on the way back, we were both tired, except for the baby, which had been moving and twirling all the way. In about an hour, the sun would rise, so we had to be quick. But I couldn't follow her the whole way. I had to stay when we reached the neighbourhood - I would never get used to the complexity and splendour of the houses in there.

"I gotta go on my own now." She announced when we reached the fancy neighbourhood, turning to look at me. Her face seemed to be more awake now.

"We'll meet soon." I assured her, a knot on my throat. The shine in her eyes had vanished.

"Promise me." She spread her arms over my shoulders.

"I promise. It won't take long." She brought our lips together, and I kissed her tenderly, in an attempt to get enough of it, even when I knew that was impossible.

Hesitantly, I pulled away, staring into her expressive eyes one more time.

"Stay safe." I peaked her lips quickly.

"You too."

And, with a heartache and puffy eyes, I watched her fade away through the elegant amount of buildings.

Again, I let her go.


Soo, I'm not uploading next week, I guess, cuz I gotta work on the next chapters. But stay tuned, there will be more updates soon, I promise! Thank you so much for reading <33
love, liaxame

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