~{ THIRTY }~

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Gosh, thirty part of the story. I can't believe it hahah

Why not a double update this week?? I hope you enjoy it!


I grasped the paper from Molly's hand, my heart skipping a beat as my eyes landed on the address written on the back of the envelope.


Relief washed through my body. He made it. He must be aware from the whole situation by now.

Philadelphia, October 19th, 1912.

"You can't be serious." Caledon snickered. I had just told him about the baby, and he was laughing. His reaction was to refuse to believe it. Typical.

The birds chirping on above soothed me, as the sun gleams kissed my skin, keeping me warm. The garden had always been a heavenly place, but Caledon was some kind of intruder that didn't belong there.

My hands were as cold as the winter of Winsconsin, "This is not a joke, Cal." I sighed, diverting my stare from him, "We are having a child."

The expression on his face could show everything I was craving to not see. Dreary eyes, jaw slightly dropped, pale face.

"When did this happen?" He inquired, brow creased at the mess on his mind.

My time to make the next move. "After that dinner with our friends, about two months ago." I shrugged, trying to make it didn't sound a big deal to me.

The man seemed to be connecting the facts, slowly nodding as he concluded it could really have happened, taking a sip of the coffee on the table.

"Well, this child has just ruined our plans. I am not marrying a pregnant woman." He stated, staring at the ground. "You're Aphrodite, aren't you?"

I bitterly laughed in response, playing with the engagement ring on my finger, willing to slide it off. Fool. He will never marry me.

Caledon stared at the cup in front of him, avoiding my eyes as he assimilated everything. Little did he know he would never even meet the child.

"Are you happy with him?" He exhaled, getting tired of the topic.

I frowned in confusion, "him?"

"Yes. The child." He clarified.

Somehow, that offended me in a way. How could he be so sure of the gender of a child who's not even his?

"You cannot know the gender until the child is born." I held back the need of laugh at such a dumb comment.

The man rubbed his temples, propping his elbows on the wooden table. I had decided to have this conversation outside, it would relieve the feeling of feeling trapped. I've never felt trapped when nature surrounded me.

"I don't care. I want you to give me a boy." I huffed at his impossible request. "Are you happy with it, or should we get rid of it before it gets too late?"

I winced at the words that came out of his mouth, protectively placing my hand in my stomach. "Are you serious? I could never do such a thing!"

Amazing how Caledon could always make me feel even more disgusted for his behaviour in every conversation we had. God, if he didn't want his own child, what would have happened if he found out that the child I carried in my womb was a Dawson?

The man shrugged, reaching for the cup again. "I'm worried about you. This child will ruin your reputation, darling. That was my attempt to help you to not be a scandal to everybody. Your life will be ruined, not mine."

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