Spirits and Fish?

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Come on, Aang! We can't let them get away after what they did!"

Don't worry. I'll make sure they face Zuko for what they did!"

Aang and Katara sprinted through the forest after the large group of firebenders trying to escape. At least three dozen men were attempting to flee from the incoming avatar and waterbender hot on their trail. It had only been two days since the defeat of Ozai, and many of the fire nation forces refused to surrender underneath the new rule. Droves inside the earth kingdom went on sprees of destruction in retaliation to the news of their leaders demise.

The leader of this group of firebenders turned and faced his pursuers, all of his men stopping as well. "This is the end for you, avatar!"

Both Aang and Katara stopped and prepared themselves for a fight. Katara opened the canteen on her side and bended out a large water whip over her shoulders. "You will pay for what you did. That village was filled with innocent people and you burned their homes down!"

"Those peasants don't deserve to live in the world of the phoenix king! All for Fire lord Ozai!"

"Ozai is done for, I defeated him myself." Aang stepped forward and readied his glider staff. "Come on, give up already!"

"He is still the true firelord, not that traitorous prince of his!" The leader and his men prepared their own fire and stepped forward. "That false lord will never be our ruler. Attack!"

All the soldiers began shooting fire balls towards the two. Aang slammed his hands into the ground and created a large stone wall blocking all of them. "Katara, now!"

"Right!" Bracing her legs, Katara felt her body launched up from the rising dirt beneath her and fly up above the wall. She used her water whip and lashed out to grab several of the soldiers and fling them out of the way into several nearby trees. With her free arm she shot more water out and swung along the hanging branches to get behind the group of firebenders. "You'll be sorry for ruining those homes!"

Some of the firebenders turned to face the young water tribe girl. "You think you can take us all on with that little bit of water? You don't frighten us, little girl!"

"You should be frightened..." She smirked as her hands began squeezing the air in front of her and crushing the trees around her. Their bark began to splinter as the water was drained out from them.

"What the..." One of them exclaimed in shock. "what is she doing!? She's just a water bender!"

"No..." another muttered as he watched the water gathered around the girl. "She removed the water from inside the trees. She can create more than what she has."

"Exactly." Katara smiled as the massive water ball above her shot out multiple arms and grabbed three more of the soldiers. She lifted them back and threw them behind her, instantly freezing their bodies to the trees as she went back to facing the others.

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