Choosing a Side

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Just after the confession

Alone in her room, Katara laid on her bed as she stared up at the ceiling. After coming clean with the class about her true self, She had certainly felt the tension of keeping her secret gone now. An hour later, unfortunately, she now had the worry of how everyone was going to take this truth she just laid on them. The silence they all had was certainly not the most supporting reaction she had, and the look on some of their faces wasn't much better as well. Now it was the reactions they were going to do to worry about.

While all of those in her class she cared for, she was a bit more concerned with those who were much closer as her friends. No one she really believed would be the type to suddenly go and reveal herself to others, whether it be to the fellow students in school or to the media and outside world. No, even just those she considered acquaintances she didn't see that occurring. But her friends... the outcome she could only hope would be as well as the others who knew already.

Knock Knock.

"Katara? Do I have permission to enter?"

Katara sat up to Tenya's voice from the outside, quickly walking over and opening the door. She saw the look of concern on his face, frowning herself and rubbing her arm. "Hey..." she quietly said.

"Are you doing well?" he asked her, his mouth falling open to the look she gave him. "I mean... How are you feeling?"

"As good as I can be..." Katara sighed, walking back and sitting on her bed. "What's everyone else doing?"

"Most of them haven't really said anything..." Tenya admitted as he sat next to her. "Tokoyami hasn't said anything since you left, same as Shoji and a few others. Some left for their rooms like Bakugo... and Kaminari is arguing with Kirishima about you."

Katara furrowed her brow to that answer, not liking hearing even Tokoyami was being silent to the news (even though he was normally silent, she didn't like it now). With Bakugo, she knew he simply kept to himself and didn't care to get involved with arguing. "And Kaminari and Kirishima are...?"

Tenya gave a small smile. "I didn't even need to argue to convince Kirishima. He is certain you are too cool for someone not to trust."

Unable stop from chuckling, Katara shook her head in amusement. "Of course he did." Happy he was supportive of her, she could only hope some of the others were in such agreement. "And some of the others I assume aren't too keen on my truth?"

Tenya sighed and cleaned his glasses. "I mean, Tsu and Mina don't seem upset, but they are just so confused. I've been explaining to them what I know as well, but it's just a lot for them to take in. Shoto was just as adamant in arguing with those who were even partially confused with the truth. Izuku has been very helpful in keeping it calm for everyone and explaining his thoughts on the situation."

Katara felt somewhat better hearing support from those who already truly knew her, along with Kirishima and others who seemed to be okay with her. In fact it seemed believing her wasn't the problem... but trusting her seemed to be the main issue now. While thinking it was best to leave them to themselves to take it in, perhaps it would've been better to stay and argue her own case. "I guess it wasn't that smart to just leave, huh?"

"You did what you thought was best, Katara. Don't stress yourself up too much about this complicated situation."

"It's just... hmph..." Katara grunted as she rubbed her neck, thinking to the faces some of them had after learning her truth. She felt it most with those who were closest to her, the ones who were more than just great and close classmates, but genuine friends who she didn't want to lose. Deep inside she believed many of them would come around, but she just hated the uncertainty she felt now. "Maybe I should go and talk to each of them separately to help clear the air."

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