Camp Training Begins

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The clouds above shifted in the sky, gently passing by in the light breeze in the late afternoon. The orange sky glowed, the air felt warm, and yet refreshing at the same time. Katara took in a deep inhale from her seat on the ground, loving the clean, crisp scent she smelled coming from the trees. She then heard a branch crack startling her, turning around quickly to see what it was. She took a breath seeing a now very familiar face. "Oh... it's you." She sighed in relief.

Pushing by the low hanging branch, Shoto came out beside her with a soft smile, something she had truly come to enjoy seeing. He walked up beside her and looked around the small clearing. "What are you doing out here away from class?" he asked.

Katara gave a small shrug and looked back to the clouds. "Just enjoying the sights above. It feels nice to have some quiet time."

"I see..." Shoto gave a small sigh and rubbed his head. "... If you want quiet time, I can leave you alone."

Katara's chest suddenly tightened seeing him turn to walk away. "Wait..." she stayed quiet for a moment before she felt herself blush. "I said quiet time... not alone time."

Shoto's mouth dropped open in surprise before he smiled and nodded. Re approaching her, he came and sat on the ground next to her, looking up to the clouds beside her. The two sat quiet for several minutes before he gave a loud exhale. "This does feel nice actually. I see why you did this."

"Exactly," She responded with a smile. "Sometimes you just have to take in the beauty of the world."

Shoto's eyes couldn't help but turn to look her way after she said that. He was unable to stop himself from really looking at her, taking in her strong yet soft features. Her beautiful blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the dimmest of light. Her long and strong dark hair that complimented her darkened skin along with a gorgeous smile as well. "Yes... you do sometimes..." he mumbled out.

Katara raised an eyebrow at the tone of his voice, turning to him with a questionable look. When she did though, she felt her breath falter when the sun was setting just behind him, the fading light illuminating around his shuffling and yet smooth hair. His strong jawline was outlined in growing shadow from behind, the faint light causing his two different colored eyes to almost glow. She swallowed the lump in her throat and leaned back, "What... what are you looking at?" She stuttered out.

"Katara, I've... I really haven't been able to truly see you until recently,"He slowly got out, shifted his body a little closer towards her. "In these past months, I have never felt better in my life, and I have you to thank."

"Oh..." Katara's cheeks warmed even more as she stared at him, noticing his body inching closer. She didn't try to move away though, in fact she seemed to feel herself wanting to move closer as well. "I'm really glad. It makes me happy to know you are doing better."

"I know... and..." Shoto couldn't help but move his hand closer towards her own, but stopping and clenching his fist. "I want to make sure you are happy. You have done so much for me."

Looking down at his hand beside hers, Katara felt an impulse come over her, wanting to feel his strong palm for some reason. She slowly inched her hand towards his, looking back into his eyes. "Shoto, I've been thinking about how we have become good friends... and-

Her words were cut off by a loud rumble, both of them looking around in shock and confusion. Suddenly, the ground began to crack and split around the two, both jumping to their feet instantly. "What's going on?!" Shoto yelled out.

"I don't know!" Katara responded just as the earth in front of them burst outward, a blinding light erupting up from the ground. Katara gasped out as she shielded her eyes, barely able to make out what was happening. A few seconds later, the brightness dimmed, allowing her to to finally move her arm. When she did, her eyes widened in shock as a large, shimmering mass towered over her, it's body flickering in pure blue light. It's solid white eyes locked on to her own. "What...what is this thing?"

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