A New Look for You

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UA training grounds

Walking along the fake city street, Aizawa watched as several of his students were busy battling with each other, observing as Uraraka and Mina were busy practicing hand to hand combat. He watched as the gravity user performed her gun head martial art style against Mina's acrobatic style, attempting to throw Mina down only to yelp as the pink one flipped out of the hold. "Don't forget the kind of opponent you're facing. If they are more agile, adjust to that." Aizawa scolded.

"Yes, sensei!" Uraraka shouted as she regained her footing, taking a breath and nodding. "Let's try again."

"Alrighty, you asked for it." Mina taunted and cracked her neck, bouncing on her toes back and forth.

Nodding to himself, the eraser hero moved onto the next section in the training grounds. With November passed and into December, he knew the school was approaching winter break. With everything that had happened this year, he knew the students had to keep pushing themselves for whatever came next. Which only made him frown at the challenge coming for them in two days.

'How did Nezu come to this idea?' He grumbled internally, his ears perking up to the hard impact coming from Kirishima tanking blows from both Shoji and Tsu, each of them working on building up their attacks against an unbreakable punching bag. He wanted his students to not just work on raw power, but to increase personal techniques they were hoping to perfect or develop for themselves. He moved past them and saw his late addition student Kendo Facing off with Ojiro, eyeing as she raised her hands preparing her stance. To his surprise, he could tell Ojiro was the one hesitant.

"One more time," she stated, taking a small breath and shifting her feet. As Ojiro came in swinging his tail, her eyes followed it's motion as she ducked to the side, her hands slightly expanding and blocking the incoming strike. As the tailed teen flipped through the air, she redirected it to the side as it shattered the street. He gasped as she came back swinging, his tail flipping around and smacking her hand from landing a direct blow... which only lasted for a few more hits before he had to shield his chest with his tail as a powerful fist drove into his tail launching him backward.

"Damn!" Ojiro yelped as skipped across the street, grabbing his pulsing tail. "That was way harder than it used to be!"

"Sorry," Kendo chuckled as she held a hand out for him and pulled him up. "Been practicing."

"Yeah, I can tell..." Ojiro sighed as he shifted his tail, feeling it pop in several places. "Didn't even hurt this bad hitting Kirishima."

"Have you been practicing breaking steel like we suggested?" Aizawa suggested from the side to the tailed teen, earning a sigh and a nod.

"Yes sir. We were both doing that, then she asked if I could spar with her."

"I needed someone who was fast so I could keep my timing up." Kendo explained as Aizawa walked past them, the teacher eying the steel walls behind them.

"I can tell..." Aizawa muttered seeing the difference in the two areas they were hitting; Ojiro's section was certainly dented, but Kendo's was completely buckled inward, the steel actually beginning to split in different areas. It was obvious her durability in her hands were getting much higher after hearing what she went through in her work studies, along with her actual hand to hand. After she worked through Shoji and practiced on Kirishima yesterday, she was now proving a far better martial artist than her fellow class black belt.

'Other than Midoriya, she's become one of the physically strongest students in the class. And now her hand to hand skill is near the top as well.' He said to himself, nodding and walking on to more students. He had to admit she had integrated quite well into the new enviornment well, almost as if she'd been here the whole time. "Perhaps it was a mistake to have had her put into class B in the first place..." He muttered alone before his eyes widened from the gust rushing by, turning to the blur of Tenya bursting down the roadway. "Same technique... but certainly improving."

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