Class Challenges

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Making their way out of the testing site, Katara, Shoji and Tsu saw the large building in front of them in relief. Pushing open the door, Katara saw it was a large waiting room that was already occupied by fifteen other teens who had already passed as well. And to her disappointment, none of them are from their class. "Looks like we are the only ones so far to pass." She sighed out.

"Yeah. That group that jumped us gave us the right amount of targets for us." Shoji commented as he stretched his shoulder.

"Ribbit. Hopefully they can get through it pretty fast too." Tsu chimed in.

"They are all strong. Don't worry, they'll be here soon." Katara took a breath and looked around once more, noticing the large snack table set aside for any of the contestants to enjoy. Shrugging her shoulders, she walked over and grabbed one of the waters and opened it up, taking a big drink and-


Katara nearly spit her water out from the sudden shout from behind, turning around in surprise to see Yoarashi standing there beaming down at her with a massive smile. "Uh, thanks. i -

"I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO MEET HIM, AND YOU GET TO TRAIN UNDER SUCH A GREAT MAN LIKE HIM! THAT IS SO COOL AND AWESOME!" Yoarashi yelled out once again, his smile never fading as Katara stood there in confusion.

Tsu and Shoji stared at the energetic teen as well, the frog girl tilting her head at his antics. "He really is loud." she bluntly stated.

"You can say that again," Shoji responded, quietly grabbing one of the sandwiches off the table, only for Yoarashi to lock his gaze onto him next.

"Oh, these sandwiches are exquisite! I've had four of them myself already!" he announced before looking back at Katara. "I am happy to see there are others here who are ready to go! I can't wait to compete in the next section of the test amongst you!"

"Uh, thanks." Katara was a bit thrown off by his loud demeanor, but could tell he was being genuine. "Same for me. You got through pretty fast on your own. Congratulations."

"HAHAHA! Of course! If I don't push myself, I won't be able to show what I got!" Yoarashi exclaimed. "I have been wondering about you! You're the famous one from UA everyone talks about! Your quirk was awesome during the festival!"

Sighing in relief he wasn't mentioning her... other ventures, Katara took a drink of water before glancing over, her eyes widening as Shoji and Tsu had left her alone with him. 'Oh no... why did you leave me here?!' she mumbled internally before turning back to the loud one. "Y-yeah. It was a hard fought festival. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Of course! It was awesome you were able to put on a good fight with the son of Endeavor."

Katara's small smile fell at the sudden change in Yoarashi's tone, specifically when he mentioned the flame hero's name. "Yeah... I... it was a good fight." she got out, noticing even his gaze had grown somewhat hardened.

"It was a great fight. You pushed him so hard he had to use all his power! Excellent match!" He yelled out again, still trying to keep his face straight. "After your fight with Endeavor, it was obvious his son was out to get you, but you held your ground and made him work for it."

Feeling her brow furrow at the comment he made about Shoto, Katara took note of what he said about her and Endeavor, obviously he didn't buy the "sparring match" story the news had put out, so trying to lie about it didn't even seem smart. "He wasn't out to get me because of his dad. And I... just had a misunderstanding with Endeavor back then."

Grunting internally, Yoarashi huffed out through his nose to the confirmation he heard. "Of course. Endeavor isn't kind enough to do things like that for fans, and his son is no different from him."

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