A Dance from the Past

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Notes: I said next weekend after the last chapter... yeah... that didn't happen. my bad.

But got one this week so not too long. Enjoy!

The day had come finally.

The festival preparations were in full swing, with every class getting all of their props or stands set up in the school courtyards. Katara had her idea'''''' prepared in her bag as she walked through the grounds, weaving her way past the crowds as they all packed together chatting when their stuff would finish. For the waterbender, she herself was actually feeling pretty good. After Mina, Uraraka and Momo came by the other night and helped give ideas of what the pageant was actually like, the girls began giving thoughts of what would've been a good choice for her to do.

Music, outfits, and performance. The ideas bounced around many times... with a few disagreements here and there. After several things that went through the waterbenders mind, a few things came to her... before something truly special popped into her head that overtook every other idea they all came up with. She couldn't keep the small smile that crept across her face thinking about what she was planning, walking up to the gymnasium where everyone else was prepping for the play they had. As she walked into the large room, she saw many of her classmates already dressed in their matching yellow outfits.

"Katara?" Sero asked when he saw her. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be preparing for the pageant?"

"I Am. I just wanted to come by and see how you guys were doing." Katara said. "I still have time before my performance later. I was hoping to maybe come back and watch you before I-

"Oh no no!" Mina chirped from the side and hopped forward, straightening her dress as she walked towards the waterbender. "You ain't messing around here before your big show. You need to get ready for your big show!"

"I'll be fine," Katara waved her hands. "I'll just have to hurry up after to get back and change. I wouldn't want to miss your performance after all the work you've put into it."

"Katara..." Tenya walked forward and sighed, "While I still feel the choice to become a trophy for all of the hormonally charged tenagers at this school is questionable, I agree with Ashido that you should put priority into your act so you can perform at your best!"

Katara raised her eyebrow at his entire explanation just now. "So do you want me to do this or don't want me to? I'm trying to figure that out right now."

"What he's saying is get your ass out of here!" Bakugo shouted from the drum set on stage.

"In a nicer way, yeah. What Bakugo said." Kaminari laughed as he adjusted his guitar. "We got this down. Don't you worry about this."

Frowning, Katara looked around as everyone else looked her way, seeing the agreement on all their faces. Another thing she noticed was Shoto wasn't there at the moment, probably gone with a few others gathering other materials needed. Hoping to get a moment to talk with him, she sighed out seeing she'd just have to see him later. "I just wanted to see how it all went, though."

"I know, but you gotta do your thing and be ready yourself!" Uraraka cheered out. "You have to make sure whatever you are planning is perfect!"

"Speaking of which..." Mina asked, looking at the tiny bag Katara was holding. "Where is your dress you were going to wear? It certainly isn't in that..."

"Actually, that's another thing I needed..." Katara said, "I need to see Yaoyorozu real fast."

"Hmm? What's up?" Mina asked.

"It's really important. Is she here?"

Overhearing her, Shoji pointed to the door beside the stage where Bakugo, Tokoyami and Kaminari were. "She went outside for a minute to take a call."

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