Assault in the Forest

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Notes: Yes people... story isn't dead. sometimes you get sick for a week... and when sick, you don't wanna write. sometimes you have a super busy work schedule after that and have no time. and then sometimes you leave the state to visit family for a week.

yep... life happens.

literally just finished writing this now, so haven't proof read it lol. will edit it through the weekend but couldn't wait any longer to get it to all of you.

i do appreciate the love you have for the story, but yes, while i didn't want to take a month for an update, it happened. also had a few changes made to my original story, so hope you all enjoy!

Walking down the forest path, Katara and Jiro slowly shifted their eyes back and forth as they made their way further into the dark trees. After coming to their turn, they had barely gone more than a few minutes before they heard Momo scream in the distance. Jiro shivered and rubbed her arms. "Y-you know she gets scared easy. Probably wasn't that bad what they did." she tried saying to calm herself.

"Yeah, you're probably right." Katara chuckled, taking a breath as she suddenly heard rustling in the bushes next to her. Jiro noticed it as well and felt her heart jump, immediately latching onto Katara's arm. They both kept their eyes on the side before something suddenly dropped from the trees causing Jiro to scream out.

"Ahh, get away!" Jiro gasped out as the dark figure of Shihai Kuroiro jumped in front of them. As he laughed out, Jiro glared and looked away. Katara, while very startled, was able to keep herself from screaming. Jiro's hands latched onto her arms also kept her from screaming out.

"I-it's alright. Nothing too bad here." Katara huffed out. While she never really considered herself super brave, Katara had dealt with many scary moments before and felt like this was nothing she couldn't handle. She grinned internally and clenched her fist. She pulled on Jiro's hand, making the frowning girl look up to her while she pulled her along. "Don't worry, we can get through this."

Katara looked back forward, her confidence lasting five seconds before they saw Setsuna Tokage's floating head smirking at both of them.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Both girls screamed out and clutched each other.

"Hahaha! Oh that's the best one yet! Haha!" Setsuna laughed out as her head floated back towards the trees. Katara blushed and glared to the chuckles she heard from the bushes, pushing Jiro away and crossing her arms.

"I was just startled, alright?!" She yelled out, only making some of the giggles grow louder. Shaking, Katara scowled and stomped on the path. "Let's get this over with, okay?" as she walked, she noticed a pink mist beginning to flow through the trees towards her and Jiro making her raise her eyebrow. "What's this? One of you going to try and trick us with that? I'm not gonna fall for-

Katara's eyes shot open when she saw a body fall towards the ground, realizing it was the shadow kid from class B unconscious. "What the?"

"Kuroiro!" Setsuna yelled out through the bushes as she dropped down next to her classmate, her body back together as she tried shaking him. "Yo, what happened?! Get up!"

"That wasn't your class?!" Katara brought her arm up to cover her nose and mouth. "Jiro, don't breath this stuff in. I..." her words fell off when she turned to see Jiro stumble over and collapse onto the ground. "Jiro!"

Running over, Katara shook her classmate to try and keep her awake, only to find she had already fully fell unconscious. "What is happening?" She questioned in worry, looking around to see the mist getting thicker around them.

"Everyone in class A and B! This is Mandalay! Villains have attacked! I repeat! All of you retreat and head back to the compound now!"

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