What a Day

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The large plaza was a ghostly silence as all the eyes stared to where All Might stood. The final barrage only lasted a minute, and yet it was probably the most intense battle they had ever seen. The speed and power to which he moved at, it seemed unreal for all the students to see him fight in person. Bakugo's jaw hung open as he looked between the ceiling hole and All Might to amazement at his power.

"He was hitting that creature so hard and fast it didn't even have time to react." He said to himself, eyeing how powerful the number one hero was... the very spot he wanted to be.

Katara and Aizawa sat back as her hands lowered from his head, happy to see the creature she fought was gone. "It's over now. With that thing gone we can take care of the rest easy."

While he didn't want to get too excited, Aizawa had to agree to her statement. "It was obvious that thing they had was the main weapon to battle All Might, that means there ace card is gone."

While everyone was feeling happy for the end of the nomu, Midoriya felt his heart rate climbing as he looked to All Might through the dust. While the others hadn't noticed it yet, he could see the steam flowing off of the heroe's body. 'Oh no, his body can't hold that form anymore.' he said in panic as he looked over to the others. 'If they stay here, his secret will be blown!'

Even All Might glanced down to his arm at the hissing steam. 'Damn it, I'm out of time in this form. If I don't end this right now, it's done for.' He looked up to the two villains still standing by the fountain, as well as the many goons beginning to wake up from fighting Aizawa. 'Shit... this just got worse.'

The erasure teacher grunted as all the villains he faced earlier began to stir. "Damn it. I can't face them again like this."

"Then we will help this time." Katara stated and walked passed him, earning another glare from him.

"Just because I said to use your powers doesn't mean you get freedom to fight." He scolded her. "And you are still injured. So sit back for now."

She grunted and stopped walking, looking back as All Might facing up against the leader.

"So, you were all talk before with your strange friend. Where's all that confidence now?" All Might goaded Shigaraki, hoping to scare him off with a bluff. "If you are so ready to kill me, then come do it yourself!"

Seeing the situation he was in now, Shigaraki began to hyperventalate in his spot. His hands reached up in anger and furiously began scratching at his neck again. "What the hell is all of this? Nomu is gone, and all of these brats are not dead. Why? Why? WHY!?"

"Tomura, calm yourself!" Kurogiri pleaded to the man child. "We haven't been defeated. Look..." his yellow eyes shifted back towards all Might, noticing the slight shake in his stance. "... His body is injured. It seems Nomu was a success in sapping the energy out of him. Plus the children are frightened and will be distracted by our comrades waking up. We can take him out together."

Shigaraki halted his assault on his neck and glared to the number one hero. His breath came in short gasps still and stepped forward. "We came to kill him. And I guess I have to kill him myself now."

All might grunted in frustration as he saw the two villains look straight towards him, seeing them ready to charge him once again. 'Shit... if I try and fight I won't be able to hold this form! I may only get one or two hits if I am lucky.'

The heroes guess was correct as Shigaraki sprinted forward. "You are going to pay for what you did to Nomu!"

"Watch it, we got more fight on our hands." Bakugo grunted and braced himself. Before he or anyone else could even see however, a single person was already flying through the air.

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