A Breath of Fresh Air

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Notes: Yep. another week delay. I know. I really hate it too. Just kinda had some writers block with how to start this chapter. literally stared at the screen for a full week and barely wrote a paragraph. But now, I feel like I got through the hump. and I have a very... very special announcement at the end of the chapter.

Writing on the board in front of the class, Aizawa turned to see his students at work on the test he'd prepared for them. The silent teens kept their heads down, pushing through the questions as the timer clicked. To the side, he glared when he saw Bakugo sleeping, his head propped up on his hand. Aiming his pen, he launched it and jabbed the teen in the forehead.

"GAH!" Bakugo shouted in shock and pain, glaring up at his teacher. "The hell was that for?!"

"No sleeping during a test," Aizawa growled, "That's the third time this week you've dozed off. Fall asleep again and I'll be giving you after school assignments."

Hissing, Bakugo rubbed his forehead and looked back at his paper. A few were surprised since Bakugo seemed to disappear to his room earlier than normal every night, assuming he was just resting more. Unknown to everyone, however, he had been staying up quite late every night doing his own thing.

Sighing, Aizwawa rubbed his head as he looked around. It had been ten days since the raid on the Hunters had occurred, and despite everything he was trying to do to help, the tension still hung over the students. Just the fact of the unknown status of their classmate was keeping their focus muddled, with those involved in the raid having barely done any work since. It was the same to the two who were especially close to Katara, with both Tenya and Shoto having probably said no more than ten words in class since they came back from the hospital. Even their school work was slacking compared to normal, something he was letting slide considering the circumstances. As his phone suddenly buzzed, he frowned and walked towards the door. "Just take a break, for now."

As he walked out of the class, many of the students let out a sigh of relief, leaning back in their seats. Exhaling, Uraraka stretched her arms and looked ahead, seeing Tenya sit up in his seat. "Phew... this pop quiz is pretty tough, huh?" she tried asking.

"Uh huh..." Tenya half heartedly replied, causing Uraraka to frown.

"So... you... understood the math? It was stumping me and- Ow!" Uraraka yelped from the eraser flicked into her face, looking over to see Kendo glaring at her and shaking her head. Seeing she should stop trying to force Tenya to talk, she gave a silent nod and sat back.

Huffing out, Kendo rubbed scratched her head as she looked around, seeing the others feeling the same as Uraraka was. While everyone was feeling the pain of what was going on, they all knew it was certainly the hardest for Tenya and Shoto. Turning to her left, she saw Shoto staring blankly at his desk, spaced out as he slowly tapped the pencil in his hand. Even as few in the class got up and began talking with each other, everyone still tried giving the pair of them the space they needed. And Kendo had no right to judge after how she felt. After coming back she had done the same thing, now only talking to the others about what had happened.

And it all began after that night with Bakugo.

Glancing over, she stared at the ash blonde teen sitting alone in his desk. After he got her to confess what had been bothering her, she was certainly surprised to have woken up in her own room the next morning, not remembering how she got there. When she apologized to Kirishima and Momo the next day about her outburst and the bag she broke, she was surprised again to hear he wasn't the one to take her back, for some reason making her blush realizing who did it then.

She'd been hoping to talk to him about everything going on recently, although it just seemed every evening Bakugo would disappear into his room, not coming out for the rest of the night and not talking to anyone. She frowned, determined to make him be the one to talk this time while she looked over to Shoto once more. He looked over to her as well, the red head giving him a soft smile and nodding. The subtle notion made Shoto's breath pause for a moment before giving a small nod back, trying to show he was thankful for the space.

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