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Notes: Phew... I literally cranked this chapter out in 4 days! not too bad! while I wanted to do a lot more this chapter, my schedule was busy due to my wife and I purchasing a new home out of state. yep... moving out to another state by the summer.

But... I was too excited for this chapter to not post something, so here we are!

Gripping his damaged arm, Gang Orca breathed slowly as he looked outside the window. The harrier jet both he and Endeavor were inside rushed over the landscape below, flying them towards their destination. The whale hero finished wrapping his own many injuries, but the broken bones inside his arm were still shooting pain through his body. "Shit. Call the medical team in to meet us by Mount Fuji." He said to the pilot.

"Yes sir," the pilot responded, getting onto his mic and putting in the orders, but gasped as the flaming fist of Endeavor slammed into the seat beside himself, turning to see the flame hero glaring at him.

"Increase the speed! We have to get there now!" he shouted at him.

"I'm going as fast as we can!" The pilot yelled back, "We still have twelve minutes until we reach Fujiyoshida, and another five to the mountain."

"Then get any top hero there now!" He shouted, his fist scorching the empty seat. "We can't leave them there!"

"Endeavor!" Orca grabbed the furious man and pulled him back, forcing the battered hero into the other seats. "You need to calm down."

"They need our help..." Endeavor panted and coughed up some more blood, wiping it from his mouth but still glared forward. "Call anyone high ranking nearby and-

"Endeavor..." Orca sighed in defeat, "Every other top ten hero is either busy on their own missions, or are too far away. The only hero of that caliber within a hundred and fifty kilometers is Ryukyu, and she is engaged in her own mission. The top heroes in the city are already on this mission with Shishido. Any other heroes nearby heading there now are far honestly too weak to do anything. They may only be putting themselves in the crosshairs of the hunters."

Clenching his fists, Endeavor looked ahead through the windshield, being able to make out the mountain in the distance. He gritted his teeth and forced himself back down, struggling to wrap his injuries with his pain filled arms. He couldn't believe he and the others were such fools, falling right into this trap set up by these villains. He could only hope Burnin, Katara and the others could hold out until they got there.

"Where's Mirko now?"


Bounding down the freeway, Mirko whizzed past the cars driving as she rushed forward. She breathed hard as her legs launched her with every step, ignoring the small stinging she felt from the injuries. And now, she took a few deep breaths as she wiped the sweat forming on her brow, shaking her head in frustration as she saw the mountain growing closer every moment, the distance at this pace pushing her own endurance after her fight. But she knew she couldn't stop; she had to get there as fast as she could.

"Eight minutes left... come on!" She shouted to herself, lowering her body and clenching her fists. "You kids better not die on me!" She had to get back. If she couldn't keep her promise and keep those kids safe, she had no right to call herself a hero. She had to make it. "Don't you die on me!"


Katara glared as she stared at the leopard seal step towards her, his weapons at the ready. The water and bamboo around her swayed with her hand movements, aiming at the hunter and waiting to launch forward. She looked past him for a moment to see Takeshita unconscious on the ground, the water beginning to flow past his damaged body. She knew she had to get him out of here and to the surface for help, but first she had to get past this man here.

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