Revealed Tension

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The audience screamed in excitement to the incredible display of power on the large screens. The eruption of ice from Todoroki sent a wave of cheers as the crowd gushed over his powers.

"It's amazing! How can a first year be so strong!?"

"That's what you would expect from the son of the number two hero!"

"Man, Endeavor sure does got some strong genes to have a kid this strong already!"

In the center level of the arena, the flames on Endeavor's body flickered as he stood watching his son go to work. While some assumed one would be proud and excited to see their kids power, he simply stood there scowling at the monitor.

"Still being so damn stubborn..." he growled and crossed his arms. "Doing this competition with just your right side is a fools gamble."


the flame hero's eyes widened to Present mic's announcement, surprised another student was already that close after seeing that-

"What the..." the fire on Endeavor's shoulders flared up when he saw the flowing water shoot out through the mist and slash through an incoming small bot. His eyes narrowed in anger when katara broke through the cloud and immediately continued her pursuit after his prized creation.

"Damn her... that stupid brat..." his fingers clenched his forearms hard as he stared to the waterbender on screen. "Don't you dare disappoint me Shoto."


As she ran through the frozen legs of the large robots, Katara could see the ice already beginning to break off from some of them. The metallic limbs began moving as they shook off their ice prisons, their big red eyes looking down to the students below.

"So he didn't freeze them all the way so they would hold all of us back," Katara said to herself as she waved her arms creating several ice spikes around her, "He's pretty smart too."

She noticed a group of smaller bots rolling straight towards her, causing her to sigh in annoyance. "I don't have time for little ones like this."

The ice shot forward and pierced the heads of the group in her way before she saw more beginning to gather around. She looked ahead and saw Todoroki was now much further up the road with a decent size lead at this point. Seeing if she kept dealing with these small ones, it would be that much harder to catch up with him later. Seeing the small window she had, Katara pulled over a fallen sheet of ice nearby and hopped onto it before she bended another wave of water to carry her forward and swiftly passed the army of robots. Just before she was out of sight she glanced over her shoulder and felt a small bit of guilt to the others now trapped behind the freed machines.

"Sorry guys, if this were a fight I'd help you... but this is different today." She told herself before turning back forward and surfing down the path.

Back behind the robot obstacle, the rest of the students looked up in shock to what they should do.

"Jeez, Todoroki and Katara made it through, but what the hell are we supposed to do!?" Kaminari cried out as one of the giant robots began coming forward.

"You really do cry a lot, don't you..." Jiro moaned out while she glared to the frowning electric user.

"Will you stop bugging me about that!?"

Tenya stared ahead passed the robots however, seeing Katara much further up the road passed them... and further ahead than he was. He furrowed his brow and took a deep breath. "If I sit here, then once again I will have let you beat me, Katara..." he braced his feet and readied his stance. "And I told you I would see you at the end!"

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