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The rest of the day went by pretty fast for Katara and the rest of her class. After getting their licenses, they loaded back onto the bus and made their way back to UA. Now she was in her room, freshly changed into more comfortable clothing as she turned and sat back onto her bed. She stared at herself in the mirror for a moment before she reached into her pocket, pulling out the card she was given after the test, her eyes locked onto the plastic and seeing her picture on the front of it. It was what she finally needed to go and help people... without these rules keeping her out of the way. She truly was excited to have this now.

But she still felt off.

To learn that anyone in the class who didn't get their license, she never expected it to be Shoto. The entire situation truly confused her, especially the situation with Yoarashi. The rival teen had also failed the test, both of their actions costing too many points to be considered passing. To their surprise, the wind user gave a deep apology after the test, blaming his own selfishness for what had happened and shouldn't have let his feelings cost their chances. Shoto didn't seem angry with Yoarashi in fact, putting some of the blame on himself. Fortunately, the facility announced that those in the final hundred that failed could do a special class to get their licenses in a few months. While decent news, Shoto instead remained pretty quiet the entire time.

Too quiet... even for himself lately.

Ever since they left the testing ground, she had tried talking to him to try and make him feel better, but he wanted to think to himself at the moment. The entire way back, he stared out the window of the bus, seemingly unfocused and not wanting to engage in conversation. Even as soon as the bus reached the school, he left her and went up to his room alone to try and clear his head. After getting cleaned up and hanging out with a few of the girls afterward, she tried calling his phone only to reach his voicemail.

Now... It had been close to three hours since they got back, and she still hadn't heard from him. Frowning, she stood up from her bed and opened her door, walking into the hall and ready to go and get some answers from him. She had to know what had happened to him during the test, and she was determined to get answers. "Just what happened to you today?" She grumbled as she pushed the elevator button, taking a breath as the door opened up in front of her. To her surprise, the door opened up to have Mina standing there with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey what up! Was wondering where you went earlier," the pink girl giggled as she sipped her soda. "Just heading up to grab a movie for a few of us. You coming?"

"I'm okay, thank you." Katara waved her hand, "I'm... just heading up to talk to Shoto."

Mina's smile faded seeing the look on Katara's face, sighing and putting a hand on her hip. "Oh... Still haven't talked much?"

Katara exhaled and rubbed her arm. "Not since we got back."

Frowning, Mina lifted her eyebrow as she stared at the waterbender, the tension between her and Shoto pretty obvious to everyone. "Well you're going the wrong way. I saw him walk down about fifteen minutes ago."

"What?" Katara asked surprised, "He did? Where did he go?"

"Saw him head outside. He's alone out there so he may need some company." Mina gave a wink, giggling when she saw Katara roll her eyes. "Go get him, girl."

"Thanks." Katara mumbled and walked to the right, deciding to simply take the stairs and head down the single floor to the bottom. Making her way down, she entered the large living room where a few of the guys were making snacks as they laughed, obviously their excitement for their licenses still there. Leaving them to their celebration, Katara left through the front door of the dorm and out into the cool air. The sun had just dropped below the horizon, leaving a sky barely orange as the blue began taking over. The light breeze ran over her body making her shiver slightly, rubbing her arms as she walked to the left trying to see if he was nearby.

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