A Name for Yourself

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The front door to the Iida household slowly opened up as Madoka quietly stepped through the doorway. She was followed by Tenya and Katara walking inside after her, all of them silently taking their shoes off and looking down to the ground. After spending the night and a majority of the next day at the hospital Tensei convinced them to finally go home and get some real rest. While they did finally agree to it, it wasn't easier for any of them to leave.

Madoka looked over to the two teens seeing how quiet they were, taking a breath and standing back up. "I can make something to eat if you want." She asked them.

Tenya didn't turn back to her, shaking his head. "No thank you."

Madoka watched her son walk away down the hall towards his room. "I can bring something to you later if-

"I'm alright mother. I just... need some rest."

Katara felt her heart ache as she stared to Tenya disappear down the hallway, looking back to Madoka's lonely face. With Toki choosing to stay a little longer at the hospital, Katara knew they would be alone for the night. And at this moment, she didn't want to go to the empty place she had learned to call home.

"I could use some tea, please." Katara asked, earning a nod from Madoka. She followed the older woman through the house and into the kitchen, sitting down at the table while her host went to the cabinets and pulled out a pair of cups. Katara slipped her hand into her pocket and pulled her phone out, looking at it for the first time in the last two days. She had heard it going off many times, but she was too distraught to open it up to see who it was. When she did, she was met with a flood of messages of notifications of texts and missed calls. She sighed and opened up the messages seeing the many concerns of everyone, the news of what happened obvious to everyone now.

Midoriya: Hey, I saw on the news what had happened to Ingenium. I am really sorry. I tried calling Iida but he is not responding. I hope you are doing okay. Tell him I wish the best.

Ashido: Hope you are doing okay, girl. If you need anything let me know. Alway's there to help. :)

Uraraka: I saw the news. I'm really sorry! I hope you and Iida are okay.

Tokoyami: I heard of what happened why you had to miss the end of the festival. If you need help I am there to listen.

Asui: Please let us know how it goes. Hope you are okay.

Hagakure: Wish the best Katara. Tell Iida I hope his brother is okay!

Jiro: Hey. Didn't see you after the festival. Wish the best for you. Keep me updated on how Iida's brother is.

Yaoyorozu: Katara, I am so sorry. I heard about what happened after school. I hope you are doing alright. They gave us the whole weekend off so no school tomorrow either. I know it's a rough time, but if you need someone to talk to, I'll be there for you. Take care.


Katara jumped in shock from the sharp crash of glass behind her, looking back to see Madoka staring down to a shattered cup on the counter. "Are you okay?" Katara asked.

"S-sorry. I should have paid attention better." Madoka tried playing it off with a smile. "Just so clumsy sometimes." The blue haired woman went to pick up a few pieces of the counter, but as she lifted the chunks her shaking hands caused them to fall from her fingers. She stared down to her hands as her vision became blurry, the wetness in her eyes dripping down her cheeks and onto her fingers. Before she could wipe her hand dry, another warm hand embraced her own, looking over to see Katara standing next to her.

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