The Long Rivalry: Katara vs Bakugo

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Coming out of the bathroom, Katara sighed as she walked towards the bed she was given, changed out of her robes and into a tan crop top and pants. After the meeting with the heroes had concluded, it was decided that the heroes involved would remain in Fujiyoshida. Offering his agency as a place to stay for the young ones, Katara had found herself in one of the extra rooms at Shishido's compound. Despite it being midnight, she couldn't get herself to relax and go to sleep. She wasn't even tired in the least, partially from the fact of the mission for tomorrow. Most of it however was from the classmate on her mind.


Ever since the meeting had ended, neither of them had said a word to one another. Through the drive over here and walking them through his facility, the two managed to stay silent with the other. The whole time, however, she would see him glance her way, a simple glare back before he turned away avoiding her. And now, she knew she had to clear this up, because avoiding this was useless at this point. It was obvious he knew something was going on, and she was going to clear this up.

Taking a breath, she reached over and grabbed her phone off the bed and opened her contacts. She scrolled down until she found his number, raising her eyebrow when she saw there had never been a message between them. Shaking her head, she opened the keypad up and typed.

We need to talk.

After she sent it, she waited a moment before her phone vibrated, looking down and seeing his response.

Lobby. Now.

Frowning to herself, Katara rubbed her forehead and stood up from the bed. "Let's get this over with." She said to herself, walking over and opening the door of her guest room to the hall. She glanced down and saw the dark hall was empty, walking down the path until she saw one of the other doors open up, her heart slowly speeding up when Bakugo stepped out into the hall as well. The ash blonde teen was sporting his usual black shirt and pants, his narrowed eyes staring at her before looking away and walking in front.

"Let's go, hair loops." he grumbled her brow, Katara followed him down the hall until they came to the main lobby of the Shishido agency. When he didn't stop walking, she tilted her head in confusion, the explosion teen glaring back her way. "You thought I was going to ask you here in the open? Even I'm not that stupid." He huffed out.

Leading her past the lobby, he opened up a door leading to stairs heading down below. Katara eyed the door curiously, not knowing where this was going as she followed him down the long stairway. Step after step she went down after him until they came to another door, this one made of solid steel. "Where the hell are you taking me? I thought you wanted to talk..." Katara asked in confusion.

"There's a lot to clear up hair loops, and I don't want anyone getting in the way..." Bakugo hissed out, pushing the heavy door open and entering the dark room. While confused and cautious, Katara walked through the opening after him, unable to see anything until Bakugo reached over and grabbed the switch on the side, flipping it upwards. Both were struck by blinding lights, the waterbender covering her eyes until they adjusted to the sudden change. Her mouth dropped in shock when she was now met with an enormous underground training field more than twice the size of a soccer field lined with high tech workout equipment, the back of the area with what looked like an olympic sized pool.

"What is this place?" Katara asked, earning a scoff from the explosive teen.

"Obviously you didn't hear that Shishido mentioned using his training area for exercise if we wanted after dinner," He said, knowing her mind was already too distracted on him. "I've read how this bastard had this place sound proofed because of his damn roars."

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