Street Chase

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Notes: Before we start, can we all give a little moment for the goddess herself in the latest episode? Mirko is best girl.

Okay... back to the story

"Burn you little bastard!"

The green flames burst from Burnin's hands as she blasted the gremlin looking man jumping at her, kicking him into the nearby car and ducking under another gremlin crook. "God you pricks are annoying!" she shouted and turned around, staring at the six other crooks standing there.

"Too bad your boss Endeavor isn't here to keep you safe," the blue haired man chuckled, his hands summoning red energy whips. "I guess we have to have some fun with his little sidekick."

"Oh don't flatter yourself. Endeavor doesn't even waste his time on shit like you." Burnin spat out. "If you simply turn yourself in, I promise I won't kick your ass."

Laughing, the group of villains walked forward behind their blue haired leader. "Such a generous offer, but I'm pretty damn sure even you can't take on eight guys at once."

Grinning, Burnin's hands ignited as she walked forward. "Maybe not... But four of you will be easy."

"Oh, and what about the other four? Are we just going to sit back and watch?" the vulture headed crook cackled out.

Laughing, Burnin gave a quick wink. "Nah... she can take the others."

Before he could see it coming, the vulture man's beak and arms were suddenly engulfed in water, gasping as they were frozen and yanked him backwards. The others looked in shocked as another thick stream of water shot out and grabbed one of the others and chucked him through the air. "The hell?!" the leader shouted, flipping around and staring at a teenager in blue standing there.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to grab the other two that ran the other way." Katara said as she summoned the water whip back over her shoulders.

"Yeah, of course it took you three hours for that!" Burnin shouted as she blasted her fire forward, the gang leader glaring and swinging his whips slashing through her flames. The other villains reacted instantly, the two gremlin villains rushing and joining the fight against Burnin.

"You better go home before you get hurt, little girl!" a glowing man shouted, shooting a stream of pulsing energy at the waterbender.

Ducking underneath it, Katara shot out several ice spikes at the man pinning him against a car. Immediately she turned and created an ice shield stopping another of the crooks incoming mace hand. Twisting her wrist, she shifted the ice into water and engulfed the weapon before encircling the man and throwing him into the glowing villain knocking both of them out. Turning back around, she yelped and ducked under the smoking gremlin being thrown her way and bouncing across the ground. "Hey, watch it!" She shouted in annoyance.

"Oh shut up," Burnin growled and threw a backwards elbow knocking out the female villain trying to jump her from behind. She then turned her attention back to the leader and spit on the ground. "By the way, not kicking your ass is off the table."

Gritting his teeth, the leader charged his hands and increased the size of the whips. "Go ahead and try, you bitch!" he shouted and swung his arms forward, his burning streams slicing through the ground where Burnin jumped out of the way from. "I'll kill both of you and-

His words were cut off as Katara's water whips ensared both of his wrists stopping him in place. He couldn't even turn around to glare at the waterbender before Burnin's flaming fist cracked him directly in his face, knocking him out cold. Watching him slump to the ground, Burnin stuck her tongue out and flicked her hair out of her face. "Told you I was gonna kick your ass." She grumbled and looked over to Katara. "I had him by the way."

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