Welcome to UA

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Stomping down the school hallway, Katara breathed heavily in frustration at the situation at hand now. Not in the mood for waiting around, she walked down the corridor towards a lone stairwell and sat down at it, rubbing her hands over her damp face.

"Ugh.... This life has been so much here..." She mumbled to herself. She didn't even know what to think about all of this going on now, unable to fully clear her head of anything over the last few weeks. From one thing to the next, it seemed like life was just too crazy for her.


Hearing the soft voice did break Katara's thoughts, turning to see Momo standing there. The waterbender raised her brow at the creationist, confused why she was here." What are you doing here?"

With Cementoss gone, no one is doing work... so I went for a walk and saw you." Momo answered.

Not answering, katara stayed silent as the slightly taller girl came and sat beside her, both avoiding eye contact and staring at the wall across from them for both of them, they felt their hearts racing, knowing how their last conversation went. After what felt like 2 minutes, katara was the one to break the silence. "Yaoyorozu, I'm s-

"I'm sorry."

Katara turned in surprise to the sudden apology. The look on Momo's face filled with pain."I'm sorry Katara. When you told us that.... I shouldn't have reacted like that and walked off. That was wrong of me."

Now katara was the one sighing and rubbing her head. "No. I shouldn't have kept something like that from you or everyone for so long."

"I mean I do understand..." Momo said, a small smile on her face. "I did have a secret as big as yours."

Hearing that comment, katara couldn't raise her brow. "You're comparing being teased to coming from another world?"

After a moment both girls laughed, easing the tension between them. "Why don't you come to class? There's a couple things we all need to say." Momo suggested, leading the waterbender to their home room.



Inside the workroom of his home, Tensei rolled his chair around the center table to grab the paint. He felt a strange sensation in his chest as he turned to see his hero armor lying on the top. His free hand reached up to stroke at the large gash in the armor, the very spot that gave him the injury that put him in that chair. He shifted in his seat as he winced at the slight pain there, unable to keep from smiling to the fact he was feeling it to begin with. In the last few weeks, his steps had become easier every day, his strength ever so slowly returning to his legs.

For some reason, he couldn't help but have the urge to come and begin cleaning up his suit.

Who knows, perhaps he could be using it sometime in the future.

He chuckled at the thought as he stirred the paint in the can, the smile on his face almost ear to ear at the dream he had. He reached with the brush and began touching up the many scuffs over the surface, cleaning up the armor in case he could ever put it on once more. After several minutes, however, his concentration was broken by phone vibrating beside him.

"Hmm?" he grabbed the phone and noticed the message, his brow raising when he saw who it was from. "Aizawa?" Opening it up, he felt his heart begin to speed up when he saw the message.

We need to talk now about Katara. The commission knows.

"What the?" He said out loud, setting the paint brush down on the side. He quickly typed on the keyboard to get his message back.

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