The Exam

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Today was the day. It didn't even feel real, but it was.

Both Katara and Tenya sat together on the crowded train as they made their way towards their destination. He decided to wear is middle school uniform to the exams, while she had gone with a small jacket and matching gray shirt and pants. She didn't have a fancy set of clothes yet, and didn't bother about trying to get some for this. Also she had decided to go back to her older hair style by making a single long braid and of course her two front hanging loops. If she was going to school, may as well have a set look to go with it. And would have to remember that new name Tensei had given her to apply here.

While she was very nervous about this whole scenario, she glanced over and saw a large smile across his face. "You don't seem scared of this at all."

"Of course, this is the day I have been waiting for my entire life!" Iida exclaimed in enthusiasm. "Every upcoming heroes dream is to go to UA."

" Yeah, I've been told." She chuckled and looked out the window, seeing the next station approaching rapidly. "Looks like we are almost here already."

"Yes, it is very convenient that my family lives so close to the school. Reaching here will be very fast after we enroll."

"Aren't you forgetting we have to pass before we are enrolled there?" she raised an eyebrow to his eagerness. "Should be thinking of a backup plan ahead just in case."

He simply chopped a few times as he responded. "You should not doubt yourself, Katara. With us studying so diligently and our quirks, we shall make it in no problem."

"Oh yeah, so easy..." She rolled her eyes. "I can barely keep up with you in studies, and now this test is for real."

"The written part has little impact if you do well in the practical portion..." he paused as the train came to a stop and the doors opened. "...I shall continue on the way there. We must not doddle and cost precious time."

Katara frowned at the way he acted on a time schedule, getting up and following him out and down the stairs. She slipped on the small backpack she was given, quite surprised how comfortable the straps were compared to the ones she had before. Her eyes noticed there were a large number of kids around their age as well, all of them most likely going to the same place they were. And she noticed nearly all of them were in some sort of uniform. 'Great, now I do feel out of place.'

"As I was saying earlier..." Iida brought out the entrance exam sheet. "This document reveals the practical portion is worth 80% of what the examinees are looking at. So I have great confidence you will do fine."

She gave him a small smile at his compliment. "Thanks. I'll do my best to get in." She looked up to the sky and took a deep breath. "If this is what I have to do to help people, then I have to do this."

After a few minutes the two of them came upon the grand entrance to the high school. Katara sat in awe to the large gates and wall that surrounded the giant structure in the center. It looked more like a fortress than any school she had ever seen before. Although after seeing the shopping centers in this world, she shouldn't have expected anything less than that. They passed through the entrance plaza and made their way inside the long hallway of the school. Signs all throughout were leading them along with all the other kids to an enormous arena like room, hundreds of other teenagers already in their seats.

"Wow, there are so many here..." Katara whispered as she followed her friend down the steps. Her eyes went back and forth among the many different kinds of people were all around her. A large majority of them simply looked like normal people, but there were other ones that definitely stood out, like the pink, fuzzy girl that bounded happily to her seat. There was another girl with long flowing vines from her head, and a giant boy who had multiple webbed arms coming out of his body.

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